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CURE of Pudendal neuralgia seconday to cycling

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:30 pm
by marven121
Good evening,

I started cycling at june, got pudendal neuralgia at september after getting my bike fit and saddle raised!! i also had small saddle with long nose.

basically pudendal neuralgia runs through two ligaments, in the pelvis, scarotubours and sacrospinous. I had deviated occyx to the left, the ligaments were tight as rock, which were casuing the oudendal neuralgia when sitting anywhere. searched everywhere looked thourgh pubmed, NCBI, youtube videos, physiotherapy and chiro. did not try any of the above except for one thing. because i had tight ligament, i pinned point the location of the ligemnts with my finger and pressed, the coccyx position returned back to normal when pressing, did this for 2-3 minutees for a set of three. additionally, i grabbed my coccyc deeply inside and pushed it to midline position. i only did this once. next thing i discover my neuralgia disappearing day by day, after 1 week no pain when sitting, after anohter weekm i retuned to cycling, after three weeks ejaculting disappeared.

though i might share this as it may be a potential cure for pudendal nerualgia, plus I have contacted the only two pudendal nerualgias experts worldwide through email. Jerry hesh and Peter dornan, respectivly. they helped me alot.

I do recommend watching all pudendal neuralgia videos of jerry hesh. plus i do believe chiropractor can help if the ligaments are compressing the pudendal nerve.

what caused this? i have no idea but i had several trauma on my left side, for eg: falling while sking on my lef tpelvis, and also a direct trauma to my coccyx which caused it to deviate to left.


disclaiumer: i am not a doctor, physiotherpaist, chiropractor, i am not repsonsible. II just shared my experience with pudendal neuralgia, had this for a month and suffere pain and agony, this is the least i can do to promote awarenss help the community etc..