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Question about MRN

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:13 am
by janet66
I live in Sweden. No doctors are specialized in PN/PNE here. It has been a long struggle to get help, five years now. I have a doctor, a young neurologist and he says that we can do a MRN of the nerve but there are no doctors that can read the question is does anyone know if there are any doctors in other countries that could be consulted for just "reading" the result from a MRN in Sweden? Of course I could mail them one by one but it will take a lot of effort and with all the pain at the same time it would of course be easier if someone else had tried it. I know that dr Potter in NYC won´t do it. I guess it has to do with insurance and so on but I would be willing to pay myself. I believe that my pudendal nerve is entrapped so rather I have PNE then PNA. My muscles around anal area gets real tight in most afternoons so in my case the muscles causes as much pain as the nerve.

Re: Question about MRN

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 7:05 pm
by tara21
HSS will do it if you get a referral I believe.


Re: Question about MRN

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:23 pm
by Violet M
You could ask Dr. Aszmann in Austria if could would read it.