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Has anybody been injured by a cystoscopy?

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 8:35 pm
by ruxandra

I am a 44 year old female and I had a cystoscopy on March 3, 2020 in Chicago. During the cystoscopy I screamed in pain while the scope was in, it was horrible. After a few days, instead of getting better and irritation dissipate, my irritation persisted, and INCREASED! I was treated with antibiotics for a potential infection. But after that, I started feeling burning in my vagina, and vague period like pains in my abdomen despite not being on period. It has been almost 3 months now and this cycle kept going, with periods of 1-2 days in between when I was feeling better, then the pains would come back. Sex triggers irritation. I feel a constant pin stab in my urethra, which gets worse when bladder is full...not that it's getting that full anymore, the urge to pee is way up.

A new symptom started when I massaged the urethra thinking I have scar tissue (big mistake): shooting pain going up my abdomen and also cramping my intestines. It also causes a high heart rate and panic attacks, which now I have at least 2-3 times a day. The vaginal burning went up significantly. The doctors and nurses I talked to never mentioned PN, slapping me with diagnosis such as IC, but I don't think that is accurate. I feel like everybody I talk to is completely clueless about what is happening to me. I have lost 16 pounds during this time and I am not able to eat due to anxiety.

I have PT sessions scheduled this week, should I even start it?
Where would be the best place to get investigated for PN? (I live in Chicago but there are no practitioners here who do that, unfortunately)

Re: Has anybody been injured by a cystoscopy?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:23 am
by Mmk
I just saw your post and I just wanted to reach out and say I’m so sorry this is happening to you . I don’t get injured after cystoscopy, my pain started after having my Fallopian tube removed for an ectopic pregnancy . It seems there can be so many things that cause PN pain. I was able to find a doctor to try a PN block which I had 3 days ago and I am just hoping that it works. The first 2 days I had worse Pain, but today it seems better I am just praying praying it worked as I have been dealing with this pain for 2 years so far . I know they say a block can be diagnostic too so maybe could look into that if you can find someone to do it for you . Pain management doctors so far seem to be the most helpful they at least believe I am in pain.