Emsella Chair
Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 4:25 pm
Has anyone tried the Emsella chair? I was diagnosed with PN and pelvic floor dysfunction by Dr. Peters. The muscles are very tight and painful, causing spasm, and I'm dealing with constipation and burning. He's sending me for pelvic floor therapy (closed due to covid) and a nerve block (not accepting new patients due to covid). He also said that I'd be a good candidate for a study they're running at the end of the year (if these other methods don't help). It's a chair called Emsella that activates all the pelvic muscles simultaneously, and it's high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM). As he said, and how a study is done, he can't control whether I'm put in the placebo arm or whether I get the real thing. Just looking for opinions and if anyone has experience.