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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:53 am
by Lovepeps
Mine pgad started with arousal in my butt and clitoris. But after a few weeks it became much better. Almost no arrousal anymore. By that time i was on oxacepam. And when i stop taking them i begane to feel the tingling.

Yesterday i could not take it anymore and toon a oxacepam and the tingling went away for 95%. Hiw is this possible?

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:00 am
by Summer

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:29 pm
by Aristocat
Hello Lovepeps,

Benzodiazepines, including oxacepam, have a very strong sedative effect on the nervous system. At the same time, however, they are also suspected of triggering PGAD. Not only SSRIs appear to trigger these symptoms, but also benzodiazepines and antipsychotics. The problem is that each drug has a different effect on everyone and it is not possible to say in general terms that this drug triggers PGAD and that one does not. In the case of SSRIs, the possibility of PGAD developing is becoming more and more open.

Many people who suffer from PGAD also suffer from anxiety and depression. These seem unconsciously create muscle tensions that lead to PGAD. Often the pelvic floor, diaphragm and jaw are also very tense. It has not yet been possible to find out exactly why these sexual feelings arise. Tingling, itching and other sensory disturbances can also occur. Some people also report vibrations in different areas of the body. Also goosebumps become triggert by the autonomic nervous system without any reason (without being cold). In your case, oxacepam may relieve the sexual feelings, but if you stop it, the tingling will occur. It is an overexcitation of the nervous system and there are no exact ways to stop it yet.

PGAD means trying a lot of things that could help to calm the nervous system. In addition to medication - if you want to take it - perhaps relaxation exercises, sport, walking, swimming, stretching and learning to breathe properly can help you to live better with the symptoms. Everyone should observe what is good for the body.


Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:26 am
by Violet M
Lovepeps wrote: Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:53 am Mine pgad started with arousal in my butt and clitoris. But after a few weeks it became much better. Almost no arrousal anymore. By that time i was on oxacepam. And when i stop taking them i begane to feel the tingling.

Yesterday i could not take it anymore and toon a oxacepam and the tingling went away for 95%. Hiw is this possible?
Lovepeps, I don't remember if you said previously -- was there some incident, illness, or active lifestyle associated with your symptoms starting -- like a surgery or injury or frequent exercise, or did it just start out of the blue?

I think Aritocat explained very well how the oxacepam might have helped. Benzos and SSRI's are drugs that can have a powerful effect on the nervous system and they can affect people differently. I can't explain the exact mechanism and I don't know if anyone can for sure.


Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:17 am
by nypain
I’ve had PGAD since the start of my symptoms in 2021. I’ve had a diagnostic nerve block, arthroscopy to fix a labral tear, 3 rounds of vaginal botox (first round helped but there are diminishing returns), 2 rounds of pelvic floor PT, including one at the very start of this journey, 2 rounds of PT for my hip (pre and post surgery), I am on Lyrica, robaxin and tizanidine for symptoms PRN, and I dilate twice a day. I have migraines and I started Botox for them, which my pain management doctor hoped would help but so far has not. I have erythema ab igne burns on my pelvis from chronic hearing pad use. I haven’t been able to wear pants or even seamless leggings or panties in years.

I have only sat down on various donut cushions for the past 2.5 years and am used to eating meals at home lying down at this point. I am no longer able to handle stairs due to my hip surgery and carry a donut on my long bus commute every day.

I am waiting to hear if my employer will consider allowing me to work hybrid at least temporarily or even just allow more flexibility with my schedule but I feel it is unlikely. My pain management doctor is considering low dose naltrexone or a nerve ablation, or both, next.

I know this forum is not very active but I am sobbing on 3 hours’ sleep because last night was so terrible and I am so far beyond the looking glass and what I even thought I could humanly endure. I’ve worked so hard at this and have persevered through so many flares and embarrassing treatments and worse off than my first post in 2021, because then I had hope. I am in a rough situation professionally right now and feel I can’t even consider leaving because I don’t have it in me to pass a probation period right now.

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 7:28 am
by Violet M
Hi NY,

I am sorry to hear you are struggling so much right now. Sending you a private message via the forum.


Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:49 pm
by Summer

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:54 am
by Violet M
Summer wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:49 pm
Anyway my PGAD is because of peripheral neuropathy , so there is not much solution to cure.
I think it might depend on what is the cause of the peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes peripheral neuropathy can heal but it would depend on whether the nerve continues to be irritated for some reason, such as rubbing on something.

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:11 pm
by Balenul
Summer wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:49 pm Hello everyone

Just to let you know that I am still taking Duloxetine 30 mg.
I tried not taking it for 2 days and the genital arousal syndrome is coming back as before 😟
Anyway my PGAD is because of peripheral neuropathy , so there is not much solution to cure.

I wish you Happy Holidays 🎄🥂🎉
Hey Summer.I met Hibner in Warsaw not Usa he visit Poland few times per year.I had botox and pudendal block and dorsal block.Not a big change sadly.He told me i am in top 5 of patients he ever met in his life about pelvic knowledge....was nice to hear this but is because doctors in my country are so weak.I told him Pgad is from mind , spine and pelvic floor ( nerves or muscles , bladder , uretha sensibilty , ic etc ) . I told him a team is needed with all this specializations ( for all patients not me...ofc some could have only a pudendal entrapment )...i felt i know more than him about Pgad in general...about pelvic part he is an expert and a very nice person.He agreed , but he said is hard to make a team....i told him to contact Kruger at least Germany is near Poland.I don t need surgery my pudendal is bladder also fine only more vascularization but not Ic.....imo in my case Zoloft and my Ocd and maybe back since ice on my back reduce Pgad are my main problems...Will try to talk with Kruger also.Duloxetine flared my Pgad sadly.....diazepam i think help abit but not much.Is good duloxetine helps.That s great .How much of symptoms Duloxetine reduce for you ? I had Emg done on pudendal and is you know your S3 root is damaged btw Summer ?

I can have days almost free of Pgad and horrible ones .. .for me is a wave pattern.Like Aristocrat said some Ssri can induce and even cure after Pgad or ameliorate Pgad from other sources.Benzo can also give Pgad but rare and some use them to calm it....for some works or not but sadly they can also give Pgad , but rare

Aristocrat imo is not only stress / anxiety or ocd like in my case that tense pelvic floor.Ssri Pgad mess dopamine badly and this sometimes means more blood flow in genitals.I susspect Ssri dmg some peripheral nerves or spine also somehow not only chemicals in Brain.

Aristocrat would love to know more about what you said about Kruger and spine and neurotransmiters etc( wonder if is for meds induced ppl more ? Wonder how wouod he try to cure it ).A link to the show or can you explain better ? Also i would like to read your work and chat more about Pgad with you.

Maybe Neurostimulation is a sollution for some....

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:28 pm
by Balenul
This stupid disease is multifactorial .look at this like a lamp. Brain , spine , genitals is like light , cable , adaptor ....sometimes a problem is a complicated disease but some cured.we need hope.Some have Tarlov chists or annular tears and Pgad go away after surgery.i met some on a fb group.but imo many time is multifactorial .In Romania no one knows more than me and i saw best doctors already...some want to learn about Pgad but few...sadly i am not a doctor and can t help people more , also many patients have way more knowledge than doctors about Pgad but few doctors care and listen and want to learn.....