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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:42 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
marg wrote:Hi there DES,
I have had my PGAD for 6 years 9 months during that time I have had 3 colonoscopys and they never made my symptons any worse (or better, of course) these were done just as a usual bi-annual check as there had been a history in my family of bowel cancer (mine have always been clear) and thanks for the info about the other gels, good luck and enjoy the peaceful sleep of the anaesthetic
Violet ..... I LOVE my doctor too, hmmm, wonder if she is single ?? (just joking)
Love to you all
Hi Marg! Thanks for your reply.. I do hope mine doesn't flare up because of it.. Good to know someone else has experienced this and can shed some light on it for me. Glad to hear your scopes have come back clear.. I'm hoping for the same news.
Yesterday was my pre-prep and I had a few intense hours of needing a clear path to the bathroom. In the morning my last solid meal will be white toast and apple juice, then I take the prep med in the evening and Tuesday morning too.. I did notice my PGAD had subsided a bit yesterday, probably because there's so much going on now with my body, my brain can't keep it all straight!

When the trauma of the scope is over, I'm sure the PGAD will be back with a vengeance!
There is a history of colon cancer in my family too, so I'm praying for a clear scope. My Dad was diagnosed with it and had surgery booked and his cancer removed all withing three weeks or so. His initial scope he did without anaesthetic, but good grief I'm not that brave! I want all the meds I'm entitled to, plus the ones he didn't use!

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:19 pm
by marg
Hi Violet and Des,
Violet, it's great to hear about some consistent success stories, I'm sure we will all get there eventually and hopefully we will all have made the path for those who are yet to come a shorter one to travel.
One of the things that I will never understand about this stupid condition is the inconsistency, whilst I am pleased that I had a few days with it reduced, today it just went nuts on me again without me changing one single aspect of my daily events ... that is my rant, I keep them short and sweet these days. I tell myself that tomorrow will be a better day, sometimes I get it right
Des .... woo hoo !! the power of the industrial strength prep meds, next time I'm thinking about having the anaesthetic just for that and sleeping in a swimming pool, (bad mental image there) I'm pretty sure the colonoscopy won't mess with the PGAD and that you get a great report, one less thing on your mind is good,
Love and luck to to you both
Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:30 pm
by calluna
I had colonoscopy whilst the PGAD was active, it had no effect on either the PGAD or the pain - I was worried there would be a flare, but my concerns were needless.
By the way, since my surgery in September, the PGAD seems to have gone........

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:44 pm
by carolynm
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Calluna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:56 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Marg, yes, BAD mental image!

I remarked that the prep looked like skim milk, tasted like Orange Crush, and had 'Scrubbing Bubbles' in it! That was the scariest part.. I'm still not finished with the effects of the first package, and the next one is at 7AM! My hubby said no to taking a bus to the clinic.. We'll take a taxi instead so the driver can stop at a coffee shop or WalMart in case I have to 'go' on the way.. The bus won't stop, I'm afraid!
Calluna, that's great news about your PGAD pain disappearing! One day I hope mine will be gone too.. It's shuffled down to third or fourth billing with the other issues I have going on right now, but it's there enough for me to know it isn't going away anytime soon.. I'm really hoping it doesn't flare afterwords..
Thanks so much to the ladies who have replied. It helps to set my mind more at ease.
Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:33 am
by Violet M
Oh wow! That's great news, Calluna!
How'd it go DES? Hoping to hear you survived the ordeal.

Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:26 pm
by DoubleEdgedSword
Violet M wrote:How'd it go DES? Hoping to hear you survived the ordeal.

It went better than I expected thanks, Violet! I don't remember anything of the actual procedure (my gosh, good drugs!

) and woke up briefly while they were removing the scope. They moved me to recovery and let me come to on my own, then explained the findings and let me get my land legs back, and I left when I was ready.
I had one polyp removed and sent away, so I'll have to wait about 5 weeks (!!) to get results. I also found out I have diverticulosis, which can be managed by diet (add more fibre, eat fewer nuts, seeds, corn and popcorn), so unless anything untoward is found in that polyp, my next scope isn't for 5 years. Yesterday until about 3 this morning I had uncomfortable bloating and gas from the scope procedure itself, but no pain, so that's a big plus!
I had a whole evening where the PGAD arousal was very minor.. not gone, but not foremost in my mind either.. Today it's back just as it was before the scope..

.. Just as I thought it would be..
Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:00 am
by marg
Hi Des, I'm pleased to hear about your report from the colonoscopy, I remember now that I also had diminished PGAD for quite a few hours after as well. Maybe it's a side effect/benefit of general anaesthetic .... It's good that you will be able to control your diverticulitis, you seem to like to keep all your body disorders around the same area !!!
Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:32 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
marg wrote:Hi Des, I'm pleased to hear about your report from the colonoscopy, I remember now that I also had diminished PGAD for quite a few hours after as well. Maybe it's a side effect/benefit of general anaesthetic .... It's good that you will be able to control your diverticulitis, you seem to like to keep all your body disorders around the same area !!!
Not exactly, Marg.. I have breast cysts also, and one of them has flared up after a mammo in Sept likely burst the capsule.. I went to the doc for an unrelated problem yesterday (emergency) and had him look at the cyst (red, swollen, hot and much larger) and he put me on antibiotics straight away. *sigh* Why is it so complicated to be healthy?

I see him again on Tuesday for the appointment I had scheduled, so maybe he'll see an improvement by then or want to see what's inside that nasty thing..
Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:22 pm
by calluna
Glad it all went well, DES!
Just a note for info - I'm sure you know this already, DES - diverticulosis and diverticulitis are not the same thing - they are at opposite ends of the spectrum in fact.
Diverticula is the name given to the little pockets that can form in the large bowel. One of them is a diverticulum, more than one and you have diverticula.
Diverticulosis is when you have diverticula and no symptoms.
Diverticulitis is when one or more diverticula become infected - this is very painful and can be dangerous, you can get a high fever and there is a risk that the bowel may perforate. Antibiotics are needed.
Diverticular disease is somewhere in the middle - no active infection, but pain, intermittent low grade fever, and bowel problems. (And if anyone knows how to manage it, I'd love to hear about it....)