Hello Susi,
I am from Germany and If you look at the postings above am at this time really cured and have no more problems with PGAD.
I can totally understand, that you are frightened, in the first weeks of my PGAD i was totally horryfied, because of the articles in the internet. I really thought I would never get better.
at first I want to tell you:
Calm down. Stress makes it definetely worse!
If you cant eat anything, which was in my case the came, try to drink something with much calories and eat soups.
If you cant sleep, try at first something harmless (valerian or so).
You must eat and sleep, because you will need all your strength to fight your PGAD

Then think about, who you are going to talk about this.
I would advise only with your closest relatives and really reliable friends. You really need someone who goes with you to the doctors etc. pp.
Then think about the personal causes of your pgad, because I think, that will inform you, to what kind of doctor you should go to.
- Did you have hormonal changes (pregnancy, the pill, pill withdrawal etc. pp..)? - gynecologist
- DId you have an accident in which you have hurt your back? (Pudendus neuralgia) - neurologist
- Did you ride on a bycycle ? (Pudendus neuralgia) - neurologist
- Did you have abnormal stress in the last months (death of a relative, new job etc.??) - psychiatrist
- Do you take new medicine or have stopped to take a medicine abruptly?
In my case it was ALL!!!! of the causes, which made it very difficult and nearly impossible to treat the cause.
Then I would advise you to go to your "normal" doctor and he should advise you to the specialists.
Depending on your case, there are many options of examinations:
MRI in german called Magnetresonanztherapie
a pudendal block
blood examination (hormones, Iron - Iron defiency is linked to Restless LEGS, which is similar to Restless Genital)
etc. pp.
As the netherlands are very close to germany, i could recommend hospitals etc.
I think there is also a netherland forum psas.nl für PGAD.
And there was a professor Waldinger in the neverlands, who died, but maybe there is a recessor.
Do you have only the arousal but pain?
What you can do yourself as first self help:
Try heat or cold. In my case the cold helped with the arousal, the heat with the pain (heating pad between the legs).
Be careful with ice packs, do wrap them, so that is it not too icy.
My personal opinion is - besides the body problems - there is always also a psychological problem, that lies underneath. Which I first denied.
But that has to be treated as well, very important. Options are antidepressants or / and talking to a psychiatrist.
you can also try"Muskelentspannung nach Jacobsen" and "autogenes training", dont know the englisch terms.
But for my problem it was the meds, that brought help, but you need patience.