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Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:14 am
by biff0101
Had my first session of PT today with Jocelyn and I must say it went very well. It seems I just need to relax the pelvis area more and do my stretches that I am supposed to do at home. Of course I will not over do it though. More PT sessions to come and I have my pelvic MRI in Phoenix on Monday. Also my thigh chaffing seems to be a bit better since the derm doctor game me a steroid cream to control it. I will update more after the MRI.


Note: Jocelyn recommended that I get a Tush Cush pillow at Bed, Bath and Beyond to take the pressure off the rectum bone. So far it is working.

Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:45 pm
by biff0101
Ok, now I am getting pain straight up through the uretha during and after urinating. I have been fearing this after I have been reading about this and it makes me suspect this might be pudendal after all. We will see.

Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:36 am
by Violet M
Hi Jim,

Glad your PT session went well. I wonder though if it might have flared up some irritated nerves. Did she do any internal work?


Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:46 am
by biff0101
No, this happeing before the PT. I just hope it settles down a bit. It seems to be hit and miss. On the bright side I had my pelvic MRI today in Phoenix which was done accrding to Hibner protocals.

Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:50 am
by Violet M
Well, that's not good about the new symptoms then. Hope your MRI sheds some light on the subject.



Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:38 am
by biff0101
Me too, things do seem to be trending to the positive!

Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:21 pm
by biff0101
Well so far I have had 2 sessions of PT and it seems to have helped. I do no want to get ahead of myself but the PT relieved the penile and anus zinging. The chaffing has subsided to with my derm treatment. I should know my MRI results by the end of the week. I still do have alot of lower leg stifness though. More to follow.


Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:54 pm
by Violet M
That's great news Jim! Hopefully you can get will with conservative treatments then. ;)


Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:57 pm
by biff0101
Ok, I get the lower Pelvic MRI/MRN results back today and guess what? Everything comes back either inconclusive or just minimal scarring in various places such as the pirfirmis muscles. The Alcock canal showed nothing significant but the doctor who reads the MRI says to me that does not mean that there might not be anything wrong with the pudendal nerve or any other nerve. So what the hell was the point of the MRI if it means the status quo with me still having my symptoms. Question: if I am told by Dr. C that my problems were suspected obrutator or genitofemoral related why didnt the MRI concentrate on those nerves? I guess I have to wait until August to see if those nerve blocks actually show anything either.


Re: New PNE in AZ

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:55 am
by helenlegs 11
This is the problem with any imaging if nothing shows. Great if it does. . . Sorry you are back in the same situation but I can understand the need to have a scan as long as the results don't disappoint too much. They shouldn't ever, as you mentioned they are often inconclusive.
I remember that PN (alcocks) did show on one I had (1T) but I wanted my piriformis to be showing major problems, as that's where I hurt the most. The radiologist rightly said that a knowledgeable clinical exam along side imaging is the best way to find a problem. Imaging will never detect pain or numbness but a good clinical exam can.
Hopefully as you say the blocks will give you a better idea and hopefully some good relief for a long time.
take care,