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Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:17 am
by Violet M
There is some variation in anatomy also which makes it even more tricky to locate all of the branches.
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:11 am
by April
Thanks for the info on the PRFA. Keep us posted. I have been considering that treatment.
So, you had it resected. So you had part of it cut out? And it didn't cause any problems? That is surprising.
hm...I don't think of cryoablation as having no side effects. It does destroy all three branches of the nerve on the side that you do it. As I understand it, there is no way to only destroy the perineal branch. And, although the nerve is supposed to grow back, that takes a while and, as with everything, there are no guarantees. And, as Violet noted, anatomical variations might make this (or any procedure) more complicated. So, the more I've learned about cryo, the less interested I became. Nonetheless, I am grateful that my problem is only on this one branch. I guess we have to find some reasons to be grateful!
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:42 pm
by kgb
First time posting. Thank you for your messages and great info and insight.
Since few know how to do the Blocks to perineal and PFCN could you please tell me who you would recommend?
Also do you recommend Dr. Dellon? That is my last step before surery.
Thank you.
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:40 am
by April
I think a lot of doctors do nerve blocks (e.g., pain doctors, urogynecologists). Do you have a physical therapist? If so, you could ask her/him for a recommendation for a local doctor who does nerve blocks.
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:53 pm
by mrn87
I received PRFA and an Botox Injection in Seattle last March-2018 with no positive effects. I am still wondering about Dr. Dellon's offer to cut only the sensory perineal branches. He already resected my PFCN perineal branches last year with no success and I spent lot of money and I am still the same..
When I read the post from one patient that after cutting the perineal branches his penile lose sensation , it is like scary.
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:55 am
by Violet M
Before I went ahead with such a procedure, I would need to hear from Dr. Dellon an answer to the problem of phantom pain even after a nerve is cut and the problem of nerve regeneration. Would it be a short-term temporary fix even if it worked temporarily? Also, before even considering such a procedure, I think you would need to have positive results to a nerve block of whatever branch was going to be cut. I would also want to know how exactly he locates the correct branch to cut. There are documented variations in anatomy from person to person.
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:13 pm
by mrn87
HI Guys,
I wanted to tell you my story with my pain is is very similar to Ryan's. Pain is generated by the sensory perineal branches of the Pudendal. I tried almost everything. Initially Dr. Dellon in Vegas last summer suggested me to resect the perienal branches of the Posterior Feral nerve. He did it on both sides with no success. I spent like 15k. He did not take enough time to revise me due to here is in Vegas and I am Houston. Also, his procedures are very expensive, and he requires you to pay first. NO good experience. He goes for your money!!!! Dellon cut 10 inches on each of mybuttocks, now those scars suffer pain when I have flare. Then, one month ago, I visited Dr. Attaman in Seattle. He did Pulsed Radiofrequency PRFA and Botox injection on the obturator. NO SUCESS at all. Now I feel more pain (Thank God I decided to do it only on my left). I read about Cryapablation is not apprach by Dr. Prologo. It seems resection is only my option since those branches are only sensorial are very close to the skin. Now I am trying to reach Doctors in Europe who perform laparoscopy approach which is less invasive in terms of living scar tissue across your buttocks.
Thanks. I will keep you posted.
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 4:45 am
by kgb
Thank you April. My recent blocks show positive for Perineal and PFCN.
Mrn did you have a positive block before the
Respecting of the PFCN?
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 4:12 am
by jon
What exactly was the procedure Dellon performed???
Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:58 pm
by kgb
Hi All:
Hope someone is getting some relief. I'm not better since my June 2018 resecting of my PFCN surgery with Dellon. It appears he didn't go up high enough. I have added pain since he surgery now in the surgical area and a few inches into the thigh that I never had before.
I am looking into stim and neuro modulation. I'm not sure if the difference yet. But I'm so tired if the pain and laying in bed so much to avoid pain and flares.
Wish I had better news for PFCN suffers. Maybe someone out there has had some success they can share.