my heart is breaking with you and freaking out with you right now. I am going to pray for you like mad.
fyi, when my pain first started, I did get strange shooting pains (like electric rain drops) and they went in some of the places you describe, in addition to typical pudendal sites. Here's where I felt them. backs of knees, heels, all through my legs, inside my elbows, behind my eyeballs...
I am wondering... for the urinary retention thing, this is a really really stupid suggestion, but maybe do an AZO test strip to make sure there's no UTI? Cause that would make urine be held and hard to push out even moreso... though it sounds like nerve problems really. forgive my not knowing more.
Try getting onto some neurontin, go to a pain management doc asap, all docs asap... oy vey! this is not fair you have to deal with this. I will be praying for you!!!!
I will ask my hubby who is a PT if he has heard anything more about this kind of thing.
ok...he says:
it could be:
-a systemic reaction to your injection ( but that should have passed by now)
-muscle spasm due to pain, causing piriformis tension thus creating psiatic pains down legs.
-as far as numbness in hands etc... it is impossible for the damage to the pudendal nerve to damage the spinal cord upwards.
-it's possible for an autononic nervous system disfunction caused by the pain and damage
-also possible that because of the obvious psychological effects of your suffering, that there would be anxiety which could elevate the heart rate, causing neck tension and various sensations in the hands, head, etc. he is not calling you crazy, just trying to understand this. sometimes the stress of pain causes pain to cascade and build
-but you need a specialist helping you asap.
My guess for a strange possibility? chronic lyme disease? lyme often presents without the traditional bullseye rash. (basic lyme info on wikipedia) (lyme disease causes Interstitial Cystitis in infected mice)
you might not have had any signs that you were bit, but Lyme disease can cause peripheral neuropathy:
http://peripheralneuropathycenter.uchic ... ease.shtml
(the above link is from a peripheral neuropathy center in chicago, has lots of other helpful info there)
best testing for lyme is with Igenex (highest rate of correct testing)
My doctor who phone consulted and got me tested for lyme:
If it's lyme, then there's treatment... long term antibiotics...
I know you don't have the emotions to handle this guessing around. I will pray for a quick answer.
it does sound like everything got worse with your injections, so it makes sense that they aggravated or started something. praying for you... hugs!