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Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:07 pm
by Grammy
How do you know what to buy? We have mmj clinics in NH but you walk in and there is nothing that would indicate what strain would be good for a particular condition. So you are in the situation of trial and error. All purchases are cash only and extremely expensive. Even the pain doctors are clueless as well. Do you get straight thc, Cbd, a combination?? I personally do not respond to mmj.

Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:54 am
by colapgl
CBD has no THC (<.3%) and works very well for my pudendal neuralgia (all I use besides a cushion to sit on). I use one to 2 droppers of tincture (take sublingually - under the tongue for 30 seconds to get the best absorption) a day. Works Great!

Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:41 pm
by janetm2
Thanks for sharing what works for you. I am thinking about trying CBD for PN and my foot pain and wasn't sure what to get.

Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:51 am
by egley
I tried CBD a few years ago from a company in Canada.
Unfortunately, it did nothing for me.

Strange that it works for some and not others.


Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 4:08 pm
by saint
Just beware that you can still be charged federally even if your state approves it. I was going to use it but read that people with doctor notes were charged by police. You have to realize that their purpose is to raise money for their town and that's why they charge people. It incentivizes them to charge innocent people using a substance to control pain, to charge them with a crime which will fill their city's coffers. Research it - you'll learn the truth. After watching a video of a young girl tasered to death for a minor traffic violation become a vegetable, and after watching where police tased a young man's scrotum until he died you may want to re-think any decision to use a substance that could put you on their radar.

Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:29 pm
by faithwalker
My experience with MMJ hasn't been as successful wrt true pain reduction, BUT I still recommend cannabis use--yes, WITH THC.

It doesn't heal, but it's nice to relax if your pain is constant. I've always been AGAINST recreational drug *and* alcohol use, but the difference this has made for me has been so positive that I've nearly gotten beyond my moral high ground.

It puts me in a tolerable mood *and* I can be FULLY distracted in the ways I want to be.

  • 1) THE WINDOW. Find the window of usefulness. Start low & slow.
    2) YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS. Let someone else be in charge. Have a support person who is willing to look after you in case you get carried away...
    3) NO TECH. Turn off all devices with internet capability. Make sure your support person knows to keep an eye on that too.
    4) DON'T OVERDO IT. Unless it takes away all pain, make it a special date so you don't habituate or become over reliant. You got enough probs!
    5) PLAN (a) yes, for a snack; (b) something pleasant, familiar & uncomplicated to keep you busy. Don't end up focusing all your thought on something awful like, say, pain or racing down an emotional rabbit hole! For best results, see #2 above!
  • 1) I'm less distracted by pain & more prone to being my fun self
    2) I'm a more patient listener for my dearest chatterbox (NOT for serious talks!). Pain brings out my cut-to-the-chase impatient self.
    3) I'm able to appreciate & enjoy music
    4) I feel gratitude much more strongly

I so want to be there for my family and pain has taken so much away from us all. To be able to be mama-who-laughs & honey-who-enjoys again has been delightful.

It's taken a long time to not feel ashamed about it. But my compassion has grown over the years. I've been so anti self pity that I can be merciless. But now I can say to myself & you, too. If it works.. Why not?

For all you suffer, you deserve a break!


Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:56 pm
by April
Thanks so much, faithwalker, for this lovely summary of how you use it and how it benefits you. I definitely sounds like this could have an important role in pain management. Thanks for all the tips, too.


Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:08 pm
by onlysams
I'm glad to hear that you found relief with marijuana, it works for me too.

Re: Marijuana!!

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2024 1:35 pm
by valentino88
CBD helps me with my arthritis. Can't imagine life without it now. If anyone has arthritis, read this page on medical cannabis for arthritis about its benefits for this. And I urge you to try it.