Hello there ,
It has been a while .
Violet , to answer your question I think mag has helped mostly bc it has relaxed the muscles and kept her BMs regular.
We have had 3 1/2 years of normalcy. Through clean eating supplements.
We got lax on foods and after having the flu in December began to have severe tummy pain again . This time with vomiting intermittent. ( remember we had inflammation that looked like it was caused by celiac at about age 6)
So our same GI wanted to do another scope . We went in for routine procedure and
My daughter had MAJOR problems coming out of anesthesia. She quit breathing 100 times . They bagged her and worked on her for an hour and 15 minutes . She is good. But guess what ? All symptoms back !
As I have reflected and as I sat with her in the hospital last week , I recalled what I now believe to be a significant piece of our puzzle that I had never considered before .
When all of her symptoms came out of no where at age 4 I had possibly attributed it to a swim suit that was to small . But sitting there thinking of everything recently I recalled she had had some dental work done around the same time and had conscious sedation . I recalled this bc after her reaction to this latest anesthesia and her reoccurrence of symptoms that we had 97 percent under control I also reflected on a root canal she had done about 3 months ago. She nitric oxide. She began to act weird and her eyes started to dialate, she kept clenching her jaw and had shallow breathing . It bothered me enough that I asked them to turn off the gas and give her more oxygen.
They turned it off and she began to present more normal to me .
After her Gi before she quit breathing she started clenching her jaw , and her eyes this time fully dialated.
Her body postures as if she was seizing , however neurology was bedside ( as was a team of drs ) and her eyes were responsive to light even though they were dialated. So they said this could not be a siezure .
Long story short I think there is a connection for us .
Peripheral neuropathy! From anesthesia or gas ...
We will be back to genetics after this latest episode and hopefully back to neurologist.
There is a NERVE biopsy that can be done with out sedation
in the ankle . This biopsy tells the drs how much inflammation is affecting the nerves ( thus indicating nerve damage )
We have doubled mag , added B6, b 12 and folic acid per dr recommendation. ( these help with nerve healing )
I share this bc I never would have associated dental sedation ( laughing gas ) with nerve damage
And further anesthesia that would cause perphial neuropathy.
Ask your Drs about a nerve biopsy . Think about anesthesia and dental work .
We are continuing to pursue health and healing .
Thinking about and praying for breakthrough for all of you