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Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:58 am
by bikelover
Kone, I had not seen your update. Those are great news! did you repeat the therapy in Canada during this time?

Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:01 pm
by konedog4
I had shockwave in October, 2012 and again in February, 2013. I have been stretching every since February. I try not to miss a day. I continue to get better each week. I can still feel some pudendal tightness, but, it is down to perhaps 10% of what it once was. I once had a sensation of paresthesia from the rectum forward. Now, that is gone too. I got dramatically better after a woman insurance agent prayed for me. Two weeks after her prayer the healing and improvement began. kone

Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:44 pm
by kathyd
Is this a device that folks buy to do shock wave themselves ?
To break up scar tissue? Is this the company that sells it? Thx

Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:44 am
by konedog4
January, 2014 Update:

Quick review: I got pudendal nerve dysfunction/disorder after riding on an exercise bicycle. I was very sore in my perineum for about 2 weeks. The perineum seemed to heal, but then 2 weeks later, I could suddenly no longer sit without a burning pain in the perineum. About 10 months later I aggravated the situation by trying to lift a heavy log in the woods. About 1 week later, I could not stand without pain, and I could not sit, even with a padded cushion. I was shortly thereafter diagnosed by Dr. Antolak with Pudendal disorder - bilateral.

I went through at least 10 steroid injections over the next 2 years. These did not heap whatsoever. I heard about shockwave therapy on this site, and I had two several-day sessions administered by Dr. Andrews in Cornwall, Ontario. I got significantly better after the first the first session of 10 treatments, and then after the second session (6 sessions), I lost the tingly sensation in the perineal-rectal area. This last session was in February of 2013. In September of 2013, I started felling significantly better. I was stretching each day, concentrating on hamstrings and perineal area. These stretches were taught to me by Dr. Antolak.

In September, I was prayed for by people of faith for the healing of my pudendal situation. It was about 2 weeks after this prayer that I began to get noticeably better.

Today, I feel almost 100% better. I can now exercise vigorously, doing push-ups, sit-ups, skipping rope, walking, running, swimming, with no pudendal tightness or pain. I could not do anything but a slow swim and walk before shockwave. I have no tingling, no pain, and almost no abnormal sensations in my perineum or rectal area. I realized this past weekend that this condition, which nearly destroyed my life, is going to resolve entirely.

I credit Dr. Andrews for setting the stage for healing, and the prayers of the faithful to enact the healing that then took place. I praise God for this miracle, for I was told by many doctors that this was something that was permanent and I would have to live with all my life (or risk the surgical options they suggested).

I want to thank everyone on this site for the words of encouragement given. I learned so much from reading the posts of others. I could not have gotten better without all your help. So I am thankful for all of you. Thank you!

God bless each and every one on this site. To those that have pudendal disorder, I say prayers of health and healing, for I know how miserable this condition can be. I encourage you to keep trying different therapies, gentle stretching as tolerated, and shockwave if you feel so led. If I can get better after 3 years, I believe you can too. Keep seeking, keep praying, and keep trying.


Jim Koenig (kone)

Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:46 am
by deBBieW
It's so good to hear of your continued healing. Take good care of yourself now. I hope you check in once and while, and let us know how you are doing.

Just curious, what did Dr. Antolak think about Dr. Andrews and his treatment? Did you ever discuss that?

Are you even taking any medications? This is so awesome!


Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:33 am
by Violet M
Jim, thanks for posting an update. That's great that you are doing so well!


Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:59 am
by janetm2
So happy to hear you are doing so well. I hope you can now engage more in family events and strengthen those bonds. Thanks for posting your success and all the best for your future.

Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:41 pm
by konedog4
The question was posted as to what Dr. Antolak thought about Dr. Andrews' treatments with shockwave... Dr. Antolak could not deny that I got remarkably better after the shockwave treatments. His comment was something like this: If I were a younger man, I'd go up there and see what he is doing and learn the techniue myself. He said that he has so many people that could benefit from another form of therapy. Dr. Antolak is in his seventies. I don't know how much longer he plans to practice at the pain clinic.


Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:48 pm
by konedog4
Update - one year after last shockwave treatment..

Pudendal nerve condition continues to get better. I have started running and lifting weights again. The weight lifting causes no pain in perineum, but the running brings a mild tightening of the perineum. Still, I could not do either of these activities before shockwave therapy, so I am thrilled to be active once again. Before and after each physical activity, I stretch the pundendal area as thoroughly as I can. (Before shockwave, I could not stretch the perineal area without pudendal pain and shocks and jolts of pain). I have also started to skip rope again, (this used to bring instant pudendal pain, but no longer does). Now that I am getting my life back, my spirits have risen considerably. I have other physical challenges as well to deal with, but not having to be constantly hampered by pudendal pain is such a blessing. Incidentally, my bladder, which once was very problematic with urgency, now is back to normal.

I have gone from feeling virtually hopeless, lying on the couch in depression, to now seeing light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I am most grateful to Dr. Andrews for his professional care of my pudendal condition. While shockwave therapy is not a cure-all, it may help to relieve some of the symptoms of PN, and may (as in my case) lead to significant improvements.


Re: New Person with Pudendal Nerve Disorder

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:09 pm
by deBBieW

Fabulous news! I just hope the shockwave therapy some how becomes an option here in the states, perhaps in combination with other types of therapy.
