Question about my MRN

Discussion of magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance neurography
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Re: Question about my MRN

Post by AuntNetty »

thank you for your concern and input...really. I do have surgery scheduled April 15th with Dr. Hibner. April, no insurance's said they wont cover botox, but i hope they will change their mind after it's done...i don't have a clue where all this money is gonna come from. I'm gonna update my evaluation with Dr. Hibner blog if anyone has any advise, please shout it out. Had many surgeries before, but really scared now (but still hopeful). Getting to old for this (50).
Aunt Netty
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Re: Question about my MRN

Post by JoshuaC »

Hey All,

Time for another update.

I dont have too much new info so far.

I just went to Dr. Hunter's office for my third injection (pulsed RFA) yesterday at 3pm.

I did a lot research before i went, this RFA will damage my P-nerve and stop the pain signal from sending to brain.

I am afraid that it will make my P-Nerve permanently damaged, then in his office before i changed my cloth, i spent 10 mins to discuss my him about my concerns.

he told me that it should be a very safe procedure, since we were going to do Pulsed RFA, not RFA. the nerve should be fine and it will regrow and heal. once it got fully healed, your pain will be back, if it works,

the procedure is simple, numb my pudendal nerve first and then place two needles close to the nerve and connect to a machine devise with wires and turn it on for about 2-4 mins.

the process is not that painful. and I feel pretty much pain free after the procedure because my pudendal nerve is numbed.

the next day - today, I do feel a little pain at my insertion area. but i am not sure it's normal or not, my left pudendal nerve area and left testicle and left side of my genital are still numbed. but not as numb as right after the RFA. so i am little worried here.

over all, pulsed RFA so far, i dont feel any side effect so far. because i saw some people posted it here, RFA will make thing worse.

once again, i will keep every one posted in a few days or if i find something new.

even though this works, i probably still want to see Dr. Conway. But not gonna soon, because I have some family things I need to take case of first.

Thank you,

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Re: Question about my MRN

Post by Violet M »

Hi Josh,

From the literature I have read, pulsed radio-frequency ablation is not neurodestructive like radio-frequency ablation is. Even so, on this forum we have had mixed reviews of the results from PRFA. Some people have a worsening of symptoms temporarily but then a period of pain relief. So hopefully yours will be successful in providing a substantial period of pain relief.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Question about my MRN

Post by alanforgood »

Hi Josh, sorry to hear you have to go through all of this. I have similar history as you. I benefit a lot from doing PRI Physical therapy. But I still suffer from pain and suspect some real nerve damage is there. I did pulsed RFA + botox as well. But things are not getting better. Did you do the decompression surgery with Dr.Hibner? How is your recovery?
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Re: Question about my MRN

Post by jaxi123 »

Please do as much research as you can. I have had decompression surgery twice only to become re-entrapped with scar tissue. Much more medical research needs to be done before doctors butcher us up even more. No relief from PNE surgery and nobody knows anything that will help. No life and very disappointed.
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Re: Question about my MRN

Post by needtoknow »

Jaxi, can you elaborate on how you figured out that your nerve became re-entrapped with scar tissue, for both surgeries ideally? Thanks.
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Re: Question about my MRN

Post by jaxi123 »

Had 3T MRI by Dr Potter and she advised me that I was re-entrapped with scar tissue
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