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Re: What does the long term hold for PN sufferers

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:42 am
by CureSeeker

I am a male PN sufferer. I wanted to ask if a someone like me can get married as sexual relations has been non existent all my life. The PN pain obviously makes it very difficult to derive any pleasure - let alone conduct normal relations. It has hindered me living and working as per normal. That is why I'm wondering if anything can happen whilst I have this - lets face it - possibly for the rest of my life.
It wouldn't be fair on the lady anyway. But prospective ladies would stay away anyway when they learn I have this condition.

I've had this condition from about 14 years old - I am now 41. My siblings are both married and they are both 9 and 10 years younger than me. I just don't know what to do. I have found it next to impossible to do a job so I am going in to business for myself. But even that takes time to set up - and I have been relying on my parents support so far. So that is another hindrance ofcourse. But I wanted to know if anyone has been married with this and is it worth me pursuing this avenue.


Re: What does the long term hold for PN sufferers

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:09 pm
by AliPasha1
Have you explored all the treatment options of cure/improvements of this disease.e.g 3 Tesla MRI Testing ,Surgery,Physical therapy etc.Your first objective should be to get well.


Re: What does the long term hold for PN sufferers

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:40 pm
by sgrandy
I second what Ali says...have you pursued all potential treatment options? If not, there may be something that you haven't tried that might help you to the point where sexual relations are possible again. I'm married and my husband married me despite my issues. I am able to have sexual relations although not as frequently as usual when I am in a flare-up but it still happens and I have a variety of things that work for me to be able to find the experience enjoyable while also minimizing the side-effects of having sex. Don't forget that there is a lot more to relationships than just sex and there are ways of pleasuring someone without full intercourse (won't get graphic with this!). It basically takes a bit of experimentation and open communication between partners so, no, I don't think that having this condition (or a lot of other health conditions) necessarily precludes you from intimacy and having a loving relationship.

Re: What does the long term hold for PN sufferers

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:20 pm
by CureSeeker
Thank you both Sgrandy and Ali.
Well I am trying to pursue treatment but it is all rather frustrating at the moment as, although my current GP is helpful,
it seems the hospitals like to get rid of me as fast as possible. Further, my GP referred me to a Pain Management clinic
about 2 years ago but I have never heard from them. But I will visit my GP again this week to be referred somewhere else.

Re: What does the long term hold for PN sufferers

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:21 pm
by calluna
If your GP has already referred you to a Pain Clinic, that long ago, and you have heard nothing, then it seems very likely that one of the letters has gone astray. Waiting lists are never that long!

Re: What does the long term hold for PN sufferers

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:54 am
by CureSeeker
Well I saw my GP yesterday and he will be referring me to a PN specialist - at long last lol.