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Re: redo

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:52 pm
by hopeman

I did not get my physician oversease response. My country physician know how to blocks. But do not the the effect of blocks. I should tell him. Thank you give me so much information associated with block

Re: redo

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:05 am
by hopeman

Did Dr. Hubner. cut your falciform process of STL?


Re: redo

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:18 pm
by Karyn

I can understand your frustration about the lack of response from your surgeon. Unfortunately, follow-up care and open lines of communication between patients and their surgeons are often a rare commodity, post-op.
hopeman wrote: My country physician know how to blocks. But do not the the effect of blocks.
Is there anyone else local to you who may have more expertise in this area?

Best wishes,

Re: redo

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:42 pm
by hopeman
I had left GT surgery. The surgern judge through that my right side PN is not compressed. However,after my right perineum sometimes have pain, thought little. I do not know whether such right ride is transfer from left side or just belong to right side. If it belong to right, I might have secondary surgery for right side.



Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:57 pm
by hopeman
After seven month left side TG surgery. I would like to post my condition.
My pain is decreasing. Sometimes I can sit one hours without cousion. Now my pain is focus on the perinuum, both side. Somedays, there is no any pain when I stand, walk, and lie down. Sometimes I have little pain when walk, stand and lie down.
Totally, I can not sit. I my day life I avoid sitting as can as possible. One thing bother me is that my right side is not performed by the surgeon surgery, however, I have right side perineal pain. I do not whether to have the second surgery, or just to wait and see whether the right pain will be cured.
I do not know whether will I be cured. I should wait and be patient.



Re: redo

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:55 pm
by Laramarie
I looked at my operative report and it does not mention anything about the falciform process. Only that my STL was repaired.


Re: redo

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:56 am
by stephanies

I understand that you had surgery on your left and your pain on that side is decreasing. Did you have surgery on the right yet? Are you thinking about a second surgery on the right?


Re: redo

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:41 am
by hopeman

My right is not very painful. I have not decide whether to operate right side.

Why did you switch from Filler to Campbell. I do not know what is Dr. Filler surgery technique.
It tends that his surgery is different TG surgery.


Re: redo

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:10 am
by stephanies

You are looking into a second surgery for your left despite decreasing pain because you think the nerve is not completely decompressed, is that correct? How high are you pain levels now?


Re: redo

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:29 am
by AliPasha1

You should go back to Professor Aszmann and have the right side done.As far as your question about Pelvic Instability is concerned,it is a known fact that severing both the Sacrospinous and Sacrotuberous ligaments have led to SIJD/Lower back pain.However,surgeons who continue to sever both the ligaments continue to deny this fact.

I had my last PN surgery by Tibet Erdogru and I was butchered.My right side sciatic nerve was damaged and I now I am having terrible back pain near my Sacro-Iliac joint.To my knowledge ,my SacroSpinous ligaments were severed.This pain started about seven weeks ago.It is a terrible pain.
I am very unhappy because of this lower back pain because that was the only reason that I never had TG surgery.

Kind Regards,