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Re: pain med effect?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:58 pm
by kathyd
Hi Calluna
Just wanted to thank you again for all your advice. So kind of you to think of me and take the time. I never would've of thought of the bran idea had it not been for you!
Will see what happens with the constipation.
I will stick with whatever works to "get things out", and keep drinking and having olive oil ..I did okay for the past few days but today may be starting to get backed up again..
Im having an awful bladder flare and my pelvic gyn doctor and I are trying to decide to do as I don't get relief from instills...(I don't think the bladder itself is the problem but instead the nerves around it and the urethra, and the muscle tightness in various areas which causes urinary hesitancy.
Thx for the info on the pain rating document..I think folks would find it hard to believe that anyone could be in that kind of pain and still be walking around, right! But its true!

About the meds I did try gabapentin a few years ago, I tolerated a large amt- 2400mg fine, but it did nothing for my bladder symptoms,which were my only issue then.
Recently I tried Lyrica. I stayed on it for over 2 weeks ..My bladder flared badly, I stopped the Lyrica ,,and now a month later Im still flaring,so it probably wasn't the Lyrica.
I didn't try the other meds you listed.
Im in wait mode for the pain docs to get the pain pump trial thing going, and also hoping my pain doc will talk soon to a special pharmacist who has devised suppository combos that have helped online friends with their pain issues.
Wish docs would have the sense of urgency! Most of our time is spent waiting for them to get back to us,, hence our lives are flying by!
Thanks again for taking the time.. You do deserve a medal. I am so happy you are pain free.. and wish you and everyone the best!