HM, not he's not a non-person, I agree, he does exist. The chronicprostatitis site investigated him pretty thoroughly and I believe puts forward a very convincing argument as to who he is and what his motives are. You'd have to read that investigation and decide if it's accurate. I think it clearly is.
He's done this before, btw. He did the same thing (made an obsessive attack) on PNE surgery about 10 years ago, to the point that forums dealing with PNE, like tipna, had to ban him repeatedly and post warnings about him. He seems to get fixated on treatments and clinicians and then go into hatchet-mode.
I'm copying this from the site forum now, which in turn was copied from the old Tipna:
To ALL TIPNA Members:
We would like to make you aware of a situation that has been brought to our attention. Several members have complained about receiving unsolicited PM’s and e-mails from a person who aggressively refutes the existence of PNE. These messages have Subjects like:
One thing you DON'T have
Surprise! PNE is a scam
I know what you DON'T have!
PNE does not exist!
PNE is a myth!
These messages deny the existence of PNE, attack the doctors who are involved helping people, and present a distorted viewpoint. These messages are from a former user, Charles, whose primary username was Northernspy. He has a personal agenda to scare and intimidate people. He periodically has created other alias usernames (in violation of this websites policies) in order to continue his trolling behavior and he has sent hurtful e-mails to several members.
In the Community section, you will see several Sticky’s including “Northernspy's posting privileges have been terminated” ( ) that discuss why he was banned from TIPNA.
We would like you to know that over the last few weeks, Charles has registered on TIPNA multiple times using alias' and that this trolling behavior continues. These alias' have included ZeroGravity, PingPing, SriHabna, SuzyKreplach, and most recently SheilaPapalis, Pooh, and PuPoo.
When we determine that a new User is Charles, we ban the Username. If we can identify a unique IP Address, it is banned as well. We are sorry that this situation continues and we are doing all that we can to address it.
If you read "Charlie's" posts here carefully, you will see that the photos, trigger point maps and other details he reports are all not his. He also reports the price of the course incorrectly, and even reports it as something he was "told". The materials he posts were sent to him by people who actually did attend the clinic (perhaps Ezer?).
Charlie seems to have had a bout of straight PT from Rhonda Kotarinos, to whom he clearly spoke more than a few times. He wasn't cured by her (she does not deal with the psychological aspects so it's not surprising) and so he launched into a Jihad against the whole treatment protocol, including PT, trigger points, and the psychological aspects of pelvic pain. It's all nonsense as far as he's concerned. I believe he's now claiming he had a hernia, and is cured? Lol, sure.
He was also a forum member at and posted the same information there,, and he posted the same stuff, more or less, at Amazon using his real name, Charles XXXXX[I won't post it here]. So it's known that Charlie aka Charles posted the same information and allegations at a number of sites, including
I can't put all the evidence forward here but as I said, go to the other forum and read it (you have to be a member),,
I can tell you it looks pretty much open-and-shut case closed.
Bottom line, we know there are people with issues on the interwebs, and so we have to take a big pinch of salt when we read things, and sometimes we are being fed pure garbage.
If you seriously think the WAP is a scam, you need to explain all the people like me reporting huge improvements, and how a scammer managed to get a whole bunch of papers published in some of the best medical journals in the world.