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Re: pudendal nerve and the spine

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:41 pm
by calluna
No apologies needed Helen, sometimes it does help just to put it all down on paper or rather screen.....

One thing comes to mind. We don't have the right to ask that things be changed or altered in our medical notes, but we do have the right to ask that a statement (made by us) can be added. So maybe that is a possibility. Just a very factual statement perhaps, to the effect that it is now clear that you have not seen any improvement to the shooting pains at all, and the block did not resolve the problem. Maybe not today, though - this is something that you don't need to see the GP for, you can just hand it in at the desk at some point and just ask the receptionist if it can please be added to your medical notes.

Suggest you keep things very clear and factual today. (Easy to say, less easy to do, I know.)

Referral to pain clinic, yes please, tick. (Good little patient! - and seriously though, it is high time they gave you this.)

Referral to Dr Robert as suggested by UK consultant with interest in this condition, Dr G, per his recent letter? - no? - then why not, please? people get sent to Belgium for hip replacements routinely? - this is not routine at all, but there is no treatment available in the UK at the moment and it would surely be useful to at least get a review and see what might be possible? He will say something by way of reply, he has to. Listen carefully, be sure you've got his response clear.

And then maybe, when you get out of the surgery, write it all down, what was said, whilst it is fresh in your mind.

And the best of luck Helen. And yes! MP! - if needed, fingers still crossed here for you.... GP might say yes...?!

Re: pudendal nerve and the spine

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:53 pm
by helenlegs 11
that is good advice Calluna cheers :) I am glad you posted as I wasn't aware that I could add to my file like that, good plan altogether. I will do it today and hand it in actually.
Thanks again you are a star :)
Take care H x