Dr. Andrew, since your post was obviously directed toward me, I wanted make a few points.
1.Yes, I was offered free treatment if I return to Cornwall for more treatments. However, travel, lodging, food, etc isn't exactly cheep. It would still cost my husband and I around $2500 US to travel for a 2nd treatment (traveling alone is not really an option as the pain is intense and one needs a driver and more importantly support to endure the treatment). This is still a big investment, when you don't have much money like us. I was offered mesotherapy injections with the naturopath Dr. Andrew mentioned, to treat my SIJD. When I searched for mesotheray I could only find that it is used for the treatment of cellulite in the States. Dr. Andrew sent me a link to an article abstract
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16175148 where mesotherapy along with SI belt and stabiliznig exercises was used on 11 out of 22 people (a very small study size). This is good, but my question would be, how to do we know that the mesotherapy alone is responsible for the pain reduction? Vicki Sims, SIJD PT claims that 80% of patients respond to conservative treatment for SIJD (stabilization, exercises, SI belt/taping). So the 11 people who responded well could have never had any conservative treatment and are just responding to proper exersies/stabilization. I tried contacting the naturopath Dr. Andrew reccommends for this, but she did not respond. I am not sure I understand how mesotherapy treats ligament lxity, but if it did, I am sure that multiple treatments would be needed (much like prolotherapy -which is usually 6 sessions every 4 weeks or so). I can't exactly fly to Canada every month. The mesotherapy would have to take effect before I could continue with the ESWT/ART to treat the PN....if SIJD was the cause of my PN. So this would end up being many repeat trips to Cornwall. It is very kind of you, Dr. Andrew, to offer free treatment to people, but how exactly would free accupunture or PT help people who live in the States? We cannot travel to Cornwall every week, so would we just have to move there for a while until we were better or are you offering to pay people's local PT and accupuncturist? I was not offered free PT, accupunture or couseling - so this is something new to the treatment protocol. I do have to wonder a little if you are offering free treatment because you want people to keep coming back so the "success" of your protocol is not hurt. Then when people do not respond well and don't want to come back you can say, "well, I offered them free treatment" and just take them out of your statistics? Or perhaps you want to keep people from posting their experience like I did on public forums? Offering free treatment is nice for those that the treatment helps, but if the first treatment makes you worse the free 2nd trip doesn't help the situation. I am still out $5900 US and am in more pain (at 15 weeks post treatment). No amount of money is worth that.
2. Continuation of the streatching/ exercise plan: this "post treatment" rehab is very basic honesly. Most of us who have had PN for any length of time prior to seeing you will have already been giving this stretching routine (hip flexors, quads, adductors, piriformis, hamstrings, glute medius) by other PTs and have been doing it for months. The abdominal hollowing or working the transervse abdominus is the first exercise I was ever given by a PT. You say to avoid sitting more than 20 mins, repetetive hip flexion, running, and cycling. Most of us can't sit more than 20 mins to begin with and I don't think too many of us are going for jogs or getting on a bike at this point. The sight of bicycles makes me cringe!!
3. Theories are good, but they only go so far. As it's said, "the proof is in the pudding". I hope there will be more success stories to come from your protocol in the coming months, but in general this patient population wants to see success not theories. When I asked you why I should come back for a 2nd treatment when I am still in more pain after the first treatment, you would not answer that. All you could say is that others have come back and been helped (though these people are not available to talk with personally) and that you "saw no reason why the protocol shouldn't work for me". That doesn't answer my question though of
why. You have also not ever explained to me how such an aggressive treatment protocol can be good for someone with central sensitization (hypersensitivity of the central nervous system). How does inflicting more pain break the pain-cycle? How will the treatment magically work the 2nd time if it only made the person worse overall after the first time and if perhaps the pain generator is not fixable by ART/ESWT?
I am writing to you publically on this forum because you did not respond to my email when I asked some of these questions and told you I would not be returning for treatment. You are a very charasmatic person, Dr. Andrew. Most people who pioneer something like this are, but you can be extremely persuasive and I think we as a patient population have to be careful. Like most treatments there are good responses and bad to your protocol - why this is is the question we all have. There is still much to be learned about pelvic pain, especially pudendal neuralgia and I think when there is doubt about the efficacy of a treatment, as you said, it is the patient's decision to pursue it or not.
I believe coming to accept that pain may be a part of life to stay and looking for purpose outside our physical condition and circumstances can bring the greatest healing. It's the avenue I'm pursuing most at this point as my hope and joy come from God and my times are in His hands.