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Re: Massive pain flare after nerve block

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:03 pm
by helenlegs 11
The duloxetine took a good couple of weeks from what I remember. I do remember stopping taking it after a couple of months as I wasn't convinced it was doing much for me and then realised that it was :) although nothing works as well as you would like it to, but it helps.
I take it that you are with Dr Baranowski? He is famed for his neuromodulators, not that I am knocking that, a lot of people have been helped massively with them.
I think that is where he draws the line treatment wise, as there is no surgical option now? Although he did refer people on to Professor Carlstedt in London, I haven't heard about that option being mentioned for a couple of years.
I have been reading a fair bit about pain and CBT etc and would definitely do as you are and go with an open mind. I do think that reading about it can help, just understanding why we feel pain, and mainly why we shouldn't! but I think it's a more difficult thing to take fully on board, alone. Think it needs to be taught for best effect, or maybe I'm just not open minded enough :) . It will be interesting to see what you think of it.
Yes that was the post I was referring to, sorry it didn't work for you.
Hope the next steps you take, do :D
Take care,

Re: Massive pain flare after nerve block

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:51 pm
by Budgie
Thanks Helen

Yes, I am indeed with Dr Baranowski. I've seen two different pain management people before. The first one prescribed the Gabapentin and Tramadol, which kept things reasonable for quite a few years. However, I then started to get a deterioration so saw a Dr Munglani in Cambridge. He gave me botox injections into the pelvic floor. I had those twice. The first one worked quite well for 12 months but the 2nd one didn't do much at all. The only problem with Dr M was the horrendously long waiting times on the NHS. I didn't have health insurance through work at that time. I was due to see him again a couple of years ago but hadn't heard anything so rang his secretary. She said that I was due to see him but due to other people being added to his list, my appointment had moved back...18 months! I still fail to see why others should get in and move people, who have been patiently waiting, back a considerable amount of time. Anyway, I cancelled my appointment with him and started doing some research on who else was good. I came up with Dr B and the rest, as they say, is history.

Thanks for the info on the duloxetine. The last two days have been a bit better and I even managed to get out and cut the lawns today with hardly any ill effects, so maybe it is starting to kick in now. Lets hope so.

Thanks again for your help and info. Take care
