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Re: levator ani injection

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:59 pm
by Patience
Hi Helen,
Today my DH is going to have several injections of kenalog and botox to the levator ani muscle. I've been praying that it will allow the muscle to "reset" itself back to normal. If this doesn't work, he will try acupuncture as I read a post on a doctor's website that this can sometimes help. He was also given some herbs to "drink" but stopped them due to today's procedure. He'll continue after a few days. I know that botox usually takes anywhere from 7 to 10 days to begin relaxing the muscle. I pray it will be sooner than that.

Thank you for the warm welcome ;-)

Re: levator ani injection

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:31 pm
by helenlegs 11
I have had botox Nancy, it was into my piriformis muscle. It did relax the muscle itself and I felt the tight band of pain was much easier on the botoxed side (only got the worst side done) Hope it works as well for your husband for muscle pain :) I could still feel the beneficial effects 5 months later although they did start to taper after maybe 3 months. It was the only thing to have helped me apart from medication.
Good luck and let us know how he fairs.