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Re: anyone else with abdominal pain?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:06 am
by Lernica

I think you're right on the money. The major psoas (iliopsoas) muscle runs down each side of the abdomen. Several nerves pass through it, including the genitofemoral and the ilioinguinal nerves. If the psoas is tight, it can compress on both those nerves which can refer burning, twisting pain in the side of the abdomen, the groin, and the labia major.

In my recent Cornwall workup, Dr. Andrew discovered that I had a rock-hard psoas which, when pressed really hard with his thumb, replicated the burning pain I felt in my left lower quadrant just above the pubis, as well as my left labia major.

So those with burning abdominal pain, especially one-sided, should get their psoas muscle checked out by a registered massage therapist, physio, or chiropractor.

Re: anyone else with abdominal pain?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:08 pm
by helenlegs 11
Well that's one box ticked already lernica, glad to know that you have some good 'results' already, now for the pain release :) Knowledgeable physio can reveal such a lot, thank goodness.
Good call Violet. If anyone wants to check the muscle out (cadaver however) the borrejacker video's are very good
Honestly reading these posts, we are such a hard bunch aren't we! got to be I suppose, but Karyn you are the antipathy of 'I will not be beaten by this'. . . . don't get too frustrated though please, as that can spark or exacerbate stress and more muscle tension. I so admire your gutsy determination and yours Lernica. Well everyone!!
When you do 'retire' from this (soon :) ) you deserve more than a fond farewell. Although I must say I don't want you all to go anywhere, but that's just me being selfish :)
Whether it's muscle 'wind up' or whatever the domino effect sam referred to is so often a reality making it such a challenge to diagnose. Unfortunately I think that when we go asking for help with one pain it can be taken seriously but when that pain is non specific and 'grows'. . . oh now it's my abdomen, my feet hurt. . .we can look like malingerers. I don't think any of us have just one pain. . . Doing your own research like this and with the help of a physio to understand your own anatomy is almost essential.
For people who haven't had a proper diagnosis yet, I would always advise, reading the home pages and 'stick to the script' too though. Use the right words as on the symptoms page because using our own descriptions, although very real to us, can confuse the issues.

Re: anyone else with abdominal pain?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:22 am
by deBBieW
Violet M wrote:Debbie, has your PT checked out your psoas muscle? Often pudendal neuralgia is associated with orthopedic/musculoskeletal issues that cause pain in areas other than just the pudendal distribution area. A good PT or manual therapist might be able to help you figure this out.
Hi - sorry I missed this question from way back....
I had been seeing a pelvic floor therapist, and she is a regular PT too, I love her. Unforunately, I haven't seen her in a month or so due to my insurance benefits being exhausted for this year (but I'll be starting up next year). She always thought I was complex, more than one issue. She does think I have some SIJD too, and some prolapse, so pelvic floor dysfunction I guess. When I started to see her, my PN pain wasn't as bad, I was up and down, and I even had a week or so at a time when I was almost pain free (hard to remember now), but since end of Sept. I have vaginal pain all the time, and then the other various issues compound and come and go during the day.
I feel strongly I have other nerve issues now, or my SI joint is sending pain through out my abdomen.
Since my recent Pudendal block doesn't seem to be giving me any relief, I'll see what the local docs say. But I am relatively close to (90 min) to Dr. Frank Tu in the Chicago area. I may make an appointment with him, he is on the IPPS sight, and treats chronic pelvic pain. I know he doesn't do surgery etc., but I would love a diagnosis from one of these docs, which I don't have yet. Oh well, we have all been there. I think Helenlegs suggested he might be an option for me - he trained with Antolak.
I always feel better with options I guess, at least I know I'm not totally at a dead end.
And I will continue with PT, at least give it one more good try, get my MRI with Potter in April, and then see what she says.

Re: anyone else with abdominal pain?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:56 am
by Bicgatepc02
I felt like telling the doctor that if she didn't prescribe higher than 450 mg, she was leaving her patients in pain. I don't think she has ever dealt with PN or PNE.