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Re: Do PN and PNE people have IC as well?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:03 pm
by hope4eva
this is trickey and where im at right now as my uro thinks ic possible even with normal bladder on cystocpy and wont do hydro cuz its invasive i tried the diet for about 2 wks with no relief but that may not b long enough most of my symptoms r outer gential pain but i get bladder burning foe a few hrs daily ugh

Re: Do PN and PNE people have IC as well?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:54 pm
by kia kaha
Violet M wrote:Her book, Heal Pelvic Pain, is sold on Amazon.
thanks, just ordered the book today, due to arrive 26th April

Re: Do PN and PNE people have IC as well?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:10 pm
by hope4eva
im sorry ur going thru this its so hard to explain that intercourse is painful right now i deal with it but im scared if i get worse i will no longer b able to please my hubby its a horrible feeling try to talk to him in a calm way explaining everything u feel and not trying to get all personal but try giving him head that makes mine happy lol well i just wanted to say i sympathize with u u can pm me to talk if u want

Re: Do PN and PNE people have IC as well?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:11 pm
by hope4eva
i just orderd that book 2 damn why urs come so late i get mine nxt wk

Re: Do PN and PNE people have IC as well?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:49 pm
by kia kaha
hope4eva wrote:i just orderd that book 2 damn why urs come so late i get mine nxt wk
I'm in New Zealand, and 10 day delivery was $30, so had to opt for the $18 delivery which was 4 weeks, I'm broke, can't work because of this pain in the butt illness!

Re: Do PN and PNE people have IC as well?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:16 pm
by Bathsheba

To follow up. How are you doing?

FYI, there's another person who posts on this board named Larry who also had PN caused by a hydrodistention of the bladder in 1999. He went from pain treatable by aspririn when he went into surgery to level 9 on a 1-10 scale when he woke up. In my case the onset of pain was masked by pain meds. About a month after the hydro surgery I had tingling in my genitals, when I went off the pain meds for IC (the urologist finally admitted I didn't have IC), the pain level skyrocketed.

I have the same urinary hesitancy that you do but not nearly as bad. I have to think about urinating and when to go for the most part. If I am ready to burst I will get a strange feeling, nothing like what I felt before. I have to concentrate on urinating-push. It isn't natural. However, I can go.

Take care and enjoy the surf when you can.

Re: Do PN and PNE people have IC as well?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:24 pm
by kia kaha
Doing much better.

Pretty much the bad symptoms that arose from the hydrodistention surgery waned after about 3-4 weeks.
Prior to that I never really had any problems with hesitancy, or frequency.
I am told i do have IC, but after the flare after the op, I still don't get the frequency/hesitancy.

I have also just been doing a series of treatments over the last few months called 'bioresonance' which have helped my IC type symptoms, mostly the pain by about 80% !

so hoping that holds, and i don't have to keep travelling the 3 hours there and back again for the appointments/treatments.
costly! and we don't have much money, also I have to lie in the car to travel , as i cant sit due to the PN/PNE symptoms.