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Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:21 pm
by Hopeitworks
Sorry Alex I meant a 2T MRI-N. Double check because you may have gotten the wrong type of MRI.

Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:29 pm
by janetm2
Hi Alex,
The T in 3T stands for Tesla and I think the 3T is stronger than the older default 1T. Hope you find some relief soon.

Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 12:02 am
by sadie
if you google "3tmri imaging" a great definition will pop up n explain units of measurments etc..its easy to follow.

i went to dr hollis potter in ny to have mine done. She is an expert in knowing what to look for . With your amazing history that you just posted last night , she hopefully can help diagnosis your problem. that would be an excelent start.

you may have to pay out of pocket because you r out of state. i still would call dr conways office and get a second opinion.

best of luck and i am so sorry, but thoes two doctors can be googled for more info. i also think you should select your last long post w your history...copy n print it out then fax it to these doctors so they can follow what you have had to deal with.

i understand the shards of glass feeling , that is a common feeling. i wish i could help more but i will leave it to others . Time heals all alex will get there. sadie

Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 1:55 am
by alexchase93
I am trying to make a video and explain the timeline of my symptoms and procedures I have done. I feel that would
Be easier than typing it. i will post on youtube once I clear some things off of my phone. Would love to share my story and journey so far with others and get us healed and closer to the ultimate goal: as less pain as possible!

Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:03 am
by Hopeitworks
That would be great!

Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:15 am
by sadie

Search AliPasha1 and his feeds on this forum...he had some of the same problems you had ..i am sorry I can not tell you anymore then that about his case. You can send him a private message here on the forum, and if he is in the country and up to it he may respond , meanwhile I would reread all the suggestions that everyone has made.

As for you making a video as you stated earlier and that it would be easier then typing your time line have already typed it. The post prior to this one included an amazing time line and if you get someone to help you copy and print ,you will have it ASAP. You can fax that to the doctors tomorrow.
I hope the pnb flair is calming down ,

Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 5:23 am
by sadie
i will be happy to print out your info from this forum and make a pdf n send that w/ your utube link to dr Conway but it is a moot point if you can't get there or you dont have insurance .

Can you let me know what you need. i dont want you spinning your wheels.

Make a plan, n write it down, n start getting better so you will be feeling better for the holiday season.sadie

Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 5:04 pm
by alexchase93
I can't really travel around due to time restrictions along with my money and pain, it has to be local. I will print off my timeline and then maybe show my doctor that again. Or maybe just show him the video.

Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:23 am
by Violet M
Hi Alex,

I noticed you were involved in a lot of athletics when you were young. Have you seen this publication by Dr. Antolak and the Mayo team? ... icPain.pdf

I have no idea if it would apply to you but might be something to ask your physician about.


Re: Tried a bi lateral pudneal nerve block and feel worse

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:54 pm
by Alan1646
All these years we've been pumped full of steroids for no good reason. "Conclusions

Corticosteroids provide no additional therapeutic benefits compared with local anaesthetic and should therefore no longer be used.

Can we have a refund then? No? What a surprise.