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Re: Cryoablation in the US, for the pudendal nerve

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:27 am
by jaxi123
Can anyone give an update from your cryo?

Re: Cryoablation in the US, for the pudendal nerve

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:05 pm
by saint
RF or cryo?

I'm desperate for relief and looking into which procedure might work. I don't have a lot of money to spend so need to factor that in. Can anyone tell me why they chose certain therapies?

Re: Cryoablation in the US, for the pudendal nerve

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 4:57 am
by Violet M
Cryo freezes the nerve and is considered neurodestructive. You can do a search using the search bar in the upper right corner and read the reports on this forum on people who have tried cryo. It has mixed reviews for success. What do you mean by RF? I've heard of PRFA -- pulsed radio frequency ablation. It is different from cryo in that it is not considered neurodestructive and uses short pulses of heat to shock the nerve.

I chose the treatments I tried based on my history, symptoms, and clinical exam results. Do you know what caused your PN to start?


Re: Cryoablation in the US, for the pudendal nerve

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:42 pm
by Dr. Jason G. Attaman
hank3.14 wrote:Does anyone know if there's more than 1 US MD who's doing cryoablation for the pudendal nerve? I know about JD Prologo, MD of Emory U. in Atlanta, GA but wonder if any other MD is doing cryoablation for the pudendal nerve. If you know of anyone else, please submit a posting with that MD's name and location.

If only 1 pudendal nerve (1 side) is damaged or ailing in some way, how does cryoablation not freeze the healthy, functional pudendal nerve on the other side? Does the MD only find an area where the 2 pudendal nerves are far enough apart so that freezing of the injured/damaged one doesn't affect the healthy one?
My clinic is in Seattle, WA and we are offering cryoablation of the pudendal nerve. We reserve it toward the end of the treatment spectrum as it is neurodestructive, but it is an option.

To answer part of your question; there are two pudendal nerves, one on each side. They are far apart from each other at the areas we treat them, which is typically around Alcock's canal and/or the ligamentous clamp between the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments.

Dr. Attaman

Re: Cryoablation in the US, for the pudendal nerve

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:08 am
by CALIhelp
I heard about Dr. Kay in Arizona.. and Dr. Attaman in Seattle... What have you heard about the results from this surgery?

Re: Cryoablation in the US, for the pudendal nerve

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:57 am
by jaxi123
Rick how are you doing now?

Re: Cryoablation in the US, for the pudendal nerve

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:12 am
by CALIhelp
I heard that Dr. Attaman and the Helm Center down in Los Angeles, CA does cryoablation of the pudendal nerve

Re: Cryoablation in the US, for the pudendal nerve

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 4:34 am
by jaxi123
Any news from Rick on how he is doing?