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Re: Prolapses and Pudendal Nerve Issues

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:53 pm
by Jane
Thanks Violet for the link and the understanding and support one always gets from the people on this site.

I wish you all a Merry Painfree Christmas and a New Year that will be better than this one for you all.

Re: Prolapses and Pudendal Nerve Issues

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 12:58 am
by Violet M
Same to you Jane. Pain-free would be great for all of us!


Re: Prolapses and Pudendal Nerve Issues

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:32 pm
by Jane
Hi Violet,

A while has elapsed and I do so hope your life and pain are getting better.

My pain flare up above did settle somewhat. However the last few months have been quite bad again. The prolapses have worsened and the Dr has said they are probably pulling on the nerve.
Just wondering if there has been any breakthroughs with PN pain or fixing the prolapses without interfering with the PN?

Re: Prolapses and Pudendal Nerve Issues

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:47 am
by Violet M
Hi Jane,

Sorry to hear you are struggling more with prolapses. Have you tried wearing thigh shapers? I find them to be really helpful in holding things together and the prolapses don't really bother me much when I wear them. I rarely have PN pain anymore despite the prolapses so I'm not sure they are related for me. Lots of women have prolapses without pudendal neuralgia so while I think it's possible prolapses can cause or aggravate PN it doesn't necessarily. My gyn strongly advised against pelvic repair surgery because pulling the muscles up tighter can contribute toward worse pelvic pain.

When your gyn or pelvic floor does a pelvic exam do you have tenderness along the course of the pudendal nerves? Do you have tight, overly contracted pelvic floor muscles?

I'm not aware of any real breakthroughs in surgical repair of prolapses for people with pelvic pain. When I was in France in 2004 seeing Dr. Bautrant he offered to do a surgical procedure for my bladder prolapse but I declined to have it done. If you really want to have the repairs done you might want to contact him for advice. At the time I saw him he was not going to use mesh. Lots of women have had problems with mesh.


Re: Prolapses and Pudendal Nerve Issues

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:30 pm
by Jane
Hi Violet,

Thank you for your reply.

I don’t have examinations anymore as I am relegated to one phone call per year purely to keep me under the Clinic.

When I had the MRI so e 18 months ago I was also told that my pelvic floor was very weak. About the only thing I don’t suffer with is spasms.

I certainly don’t want to push for surgery, the thought of the PN getting worse scares me. I just worry about where all of this will end.

I have recently come across a lady who is qualified in hypopressives. Have you hear of this? It is a breathing technique that one has robe taught that strengthens the pelvic floor, can reverse mild prolapses or prevent them but without exercise.
I have spoken to my yoga teacher about this and she knows a lady who was doing some breathing technique that actually reversed a mild prolapse, mine is not mild but I wonder if it could help without having an impact on the PN.

Re: Prolapses and Pudendal Nerve Issues

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:11 am
by Violet M
Hi Jane,

I had not heard of hypopressive exercises before. Looks like there have been some studies on the effectiveness of those exercises.

If you try it, I would be interested to hear how it works for you.
