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Re: Obturator Internus
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:59 pm
by DakotaGirl
That's a really good sign that walking and stretching help. Sometimes a stretch too far will set me back. And yes it takes time. Not on our timetable but on its own.
You sound like you're going through something musculoskeletal and it will heal eventually. Bladder thing can be mildly related or not. There's no real answer as I've found. I have wasted more money on doctors and tests for nothing. A few meds to get me through the worst times and some cortisone injections help me manage but I'm a lot older than most here I believe.
Stay positive. Obturator internus issues are extremely common. It's your internal hip rotator. It takes a beating when you're off balance , have arthritis, Lower back problems or any other muscle connecting the area.
PT is really the only treatment that seems to help me for the PFD.
Re: Obturator Internus
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:37 am
by Ashley2486
My PT doesn't think I have PN. She is experienced in pelvic floor disorders, I just don't know how much experience she actually has with PN. When I talk to her tho, she does seem to know things about it and says she has had patients who had it. She told me last time while she was massaging the OI viginally that I don't have that and my OI is really tight. She said I have a tight OI and that's my diagnoses. I guess I just have a hard time trusting because I know how hard this is to even diagnose! My pt even told me that in the first place. I am in very mild pain as of now, I can sit without pain for quite a while. The pain I did have when sitting she was able to treat with dry needling. My situation does sound promising when I consider all that, I guess I'm just nervous and always worry about worse case scenario. And the bladder issues are just extremely uncomfortable, but it might be something I have to live with. I have read stories of how PFD can cause urinary frequency and retention too. So it could just be that causing my issues and hopefully once this muscle gives and let's go, my bladder issues will be resolved. I'm trying to stay positive. I'm worried also because I just found out I'm pregnant again too, and dealing with this and being pregnant kind of worries me. But I think things will get better eventually! I just bought a therawand too. Have you heard of that? My pt told me to get one so I can massage that OI internally at home too. I'll have to have her show me how to use it first tho! Thank you for your input everyone. I appreciate it. I'm sorry for being so worried about it and keep posting. I think it's just I don't know who to reach out to because no one around me really knows what I'm going through and they don't wanna hear about it, so I turn to you all who can relate. Hope that makes sense
Re: Obturator Internus
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:34 am
by DakotaGirl
I bought a there wand but haven't used it. My pt thinks I may hurt myself with it.
She has to get way up high to reach my OI and other areas so she thinks the wand isn't a good idea for me. But others have had success
I do have Pfd and ic. The pn part I thought I had and started chasing a diagnosis that lead to "well if you do have nerve pain the only thing we can do is treat it with gabapentin or some other nerve pain medicine that doesn't agree with me. Mine is more provoked by touch anyway.
My worst symptom is the bladder and frequency when it's flaring but pt has seemingly calmed it down. Stretching my back flares it right back up.
Don't get too caught up in worrying about pn. You're going to be ok. (My sister always tells me that and you know, she ends up being right).
Post how to use that therawand when you find out. I'd be willing to give it a whirl. Thanks.
Re: Obturator Internus
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:25 pm
by Ashley2486
Thanks for the inspiring words. I am trying not to worry so much about pn, but it can get hard when you dont know what you have for sure. I really miss the way I used to feel.
But you're right, I'll be ok. And so will you.
Do you have pain with sitting? I dont have much pain with sitting. It kind of depends on the chair. I really think my pain from sitting is coming from other muscles in my butt or legs though. Idk, pfd takes a while to heal too. I'm hoping with time it'll heal. I am seeing a counselor who wants to try doing some brainspotting therapy with me. she thinks my pain is mind-body.
I'm willing to try!
Re: Obturator Internus
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:12 am
by DakotaGirl
I have some pain with sitting but not like the PN pain described by most. Mine is more from the nerves in the back and my tailbone. And some nerve pain but I am probably twice your age so you can't go by anyone but yourself.
I met a lovely person on this forum a year or so ago and we emailed each other a lot , she was younger than me but we had similar pain so we connected and shared treatments and notes. We were both into more natural and holistic things but we also used some of the traditional pain treatments like meds and shots.
She's doing fine now! She's better and moved on with her life and so have I. You will too. These things happen and you'll get better. It's not permanent damage.
And mind body sounds interesting. I've read much on the topic and had all the Johm Sarno books. That's worth a try. Feel free to pm me anytime.
Ps. I also have a labral tear in my right hip with FAI impingement and that is a common cause of PN. I have lots of pain but I am ok. Try not to worry. It takes a lot time for these things to heal.