feeling of" something" in anal canal

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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by kathyd »

Hi Everyone,
Hope all are doing well. In this thread, a few months ago,we were discussing thefeeling of 'stool in anal canal' happening often throughout the day.
I realized something tonight, and wondered if anyone else has taken a new medication called Movantik. It's reviews are just ok, with some patients liking it and others with severe side effects.
I took Movantik from May 2015 until sometime in late fall/early winter. It didn't help all that much in preventing opiate constipation... ( I have a pain pump with 2 medications in it.)
I found that I still needed to take OTC laxatives along with the Movantik for any "results".

I stopped Movantik a few months ago and now take approx 1 Phillips Milk of Magnesia tablet at bedtime, at the most.
This gives me bms daily, but in bits on and off all day, rather than one output.
I have one shortly after every meal, and after using my Baclofen/valium pain suppositories. I'm ok with the supp if I'm lying down, but have the urge to empty bowels as soon as I am on my feet, the feeling of stool wanting to come out.
The supps help my pain a bit and also help with urinary urge from my tight muscles. So I need to use them for the time being.

My point is : I remembered that this constant "urge" and backed up feeling began after starting the Movantik in May. I reviewed my journals and noted this. A nurse who refills my pain pump also noted that I had told her this as well.
It's nice to have "output" daily, thankfully, but if somewhere w/out a bathroom handy, I am afraid to eat or use my pain suppository. Also the multiple small BMs each day over-use my spasmed muscles- and irritate my anal spasm pain.
They need rest and not to be "in use" so often in order to heal and the pain to settle down. I think I even noticed lately that I felt better after doing activities lately has been a bit more painful than usual and takes longer to wear off and go back to baseline . My worry and fear is a big part of this, as my phys. therapist would agree, but I can't wait to tell her about the above, as well. The only thing that does not not make sense is that I don't take Movantik anymore, yet still have the urge that started whe I began takig it.

Someone mentioned that pump drugs gave him the "stool in anal canal feeling", or "urge" feeling but in my case, I've had the pump for a couple of years and this urge feeling began after starting the Movantik in May 2015..The pain doctor handed me the drug sample, suggested I try it ,but admitted he had just been given it by the drug rep and was unfamiliar with it at the time.
Has anyone else taken this drug (Movantik) and noted the above side effects?
I'm wondering if this drug started this urge /backup feeling I have and--- why It remains .. after I stopped this drug?
I would really appreciate any input from Movantik users as to the above side effect.

It makes me wary of long car trips or places with limited rest room facilities for obvious reasons.
Tomorrow is St Patrick s Day, a big day in our family.The rest rooms in NYC on that day are limited along the parade route.. hence all my research tonight! etc,
Thx again for any comments by fellow patients and Happy St.Patricks Day!
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by esthome »


I do wonder if you have an internal rectal prolapse( Intussecuption ) it can cause golf ball feeling and incomplete emptying. You would need tests done to confirm. A pt wouldn't be able to diagnose this. You would need a defecating X-ray. This could be the problem I think.
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by jaxi123 »

I have the prolapse uou mention. Can that be the cause of feeling like my tailbone is digging into me???
Have had all the X-rays and tests you mentioned

There s talk of taking the rectum and stretching it up and stapling to muscles. My body rejected staples in first PNE surgery and that nearly killed me . Can't imagine going thru that again,
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by kathyd »

Hi Everyone,
I was re-reading everyone's posts tonight and I appreciate all the advice.
My guarding and dysfunctional peeing for years are prbl'y the reason for my very tight pelvic floor and resulting symptoms.
I have had a worsening of symptoms in the past several months with regards to the feeling of stool in anal canal.

Violet, I could be mistaken, but I think you had mentioned that you are a nurse?..
I hope you don't mind but I sent you a PM this evening about the above.

I also wanted to add that in my case I am a major worrier (genetic background) and when I am at home with pain esp and bored, my mind is too focused on getting rid of pain, being able to sit, and mostly my weird constant poop urge. So sorry for gross TMI.
I have gotten some advice from a therapist regarding the peeing issue, but she seems to think the rest is "all connected" and has no real advice..
I think one has to "live it" to understand the many facets of pelvic pain.
Thanks folks
Thanks Violet. If you can read my PM, and if you have any further thoughts I would really appreciate, it, as I'm not sure what to do about this!
Have a good 4th of July all!
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by jaxi123 »

Try the Logan teacnique
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by kathyd »

What is the Logan Technique?. I will google it. But would appreciate if you could tell me how this technique could help with my issues/
Thank You!
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by jaxi123 »

Google Logan technique for pudendal nerve a detailed article will come up.
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by kathyd »

Will google it
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Violet M
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by Violet M »

Kathy, I got your PM and sent you an answer. Violet
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: feeling of" something" in anal canal

Post by kathyd »

Thx Violet
I appreciate it. I replied yesterday.
Thx again
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