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Re: Treatment for Neuropathy (disk hernias+dislocated coccyx

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:10 pm
by Lilas

Have been in SHOCK!!! for some time but feel OK now.
Less than a month ago was diagnosed with ARACHNOIDITIS!!! by the head of the Spine Surgery Department of a leading hospital (careful with giving names). Had already decided to undergo a microdiscectomy but felt uncomfortable with the decision because of the surgeon's attitude at the consultation. By chance saw this Orthopedic Surgeon on a TV program and decided to consult with him before the operation. I almost fainted with shock when he mentioned this disease, showed me the inflammation of clumped nerves on the MRI, said it was the result of the epidural and nerve-root steroid injections I had gotten 5 years ago (at the Pain Clinic of his hospital!), was incurable, difficult to treat, might try Cannabis (no one has been willing to let me try though a few doctors have mentioned it in their reports) and any surgical intervention is a NO NO. Suggested I try Gabapentin but have read it's only about 15% effective with neuropathic pain. My GP (do like her) thought it might not be a good idea after reactions to Cymbalta and Lyrica. Cancelled the microdiscectomy.
Since my last posting here have tried Lyrica (felt horrible and stopped), Targin 10 (ineffective after 5 hours) and have lost hope.

Any comments? Ideas?

Have a consultation at a new Pain Clinic in June. Want to DEMAND Cannabis (?). After all, this horrible disease is caused by modern medical techniques and interventions.



Re: Treatment for Neuropathy (disk hernias+dislocated coccyx

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 5:09 am
by Violet M
Hi Mia,

Well, this is really unfortunate news for you and I'm sorry you have to face this difficult-to-treat diagnosis and living with pain all of the time. If you live in a state where medical cannabis is legal I think it is worth a try especially when you don't have very many other options. Gabapentin is also worth trying. Rick recently posted about the importance of high enough doses of gabapentin in order to be effective.

I know opioids aren't the best option for long term pain management but you might want to consider suboxone because it has naloxone in it which helps you not to develop an addiction and tolerance.
