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Re: redo

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:19 am
by Violet M
Hopeman, maybe you want to try a TENS unit for the piriformis muscle and some physiotherapy before trying another surgery and getting more scar tissue. Have you tried those yet? Dr. Bautrant said it is common to develop piriformis muscle spam after surgery. I used a TENS unit 2 hours a day over the piriformis and it helped. There aren't very many US surgeons treating men right now so maybe the US is not the place to go.



Re: redo

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:04 pm
by hopeman
Hi Kyran

Dr. Conway cut your SSL for both sides. Did you develope movement pain or starting pain or rotation pain. Such pain tends to be the syndrome of pelvis instsbility.


Re: redo

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:48 pm
by hopeman
Hi karyn

Dr Conway cut your SSL. Do you develop pelvis instability such like movement pain, starting pain, rotation pain. In addition, can a series of blocks after surgery prompt recovey. Where is the exact position, if you can suggest.


Re: redo

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:12 pm
by Karyn
Hi Hopeman,
No, I didn't experience any new pain, instability or symptoms after having my SSL's cut.
hopeman wrote:In addition, can a series of blocks after surgery prompt recovey.
Good question. I did not get injections after surgery, but started a thread asking this same question. Unfortunately, I didn't get very many responses.
Personally, I'm not a fan of nerve blocks.
hopeman wrote:Where is the exact position, if you can suggest.
I'm not sure what you're referring to with this question. Is it in regards to the nerve blocks?

Kind regards,

Re: redo

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:02 pm
by hopeman

Yes, I ask the position of nerve blocks.


Re: redo

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:06 am
by Violet M
I had one unguided nerve block after surgery. Didn't really have much long-term relief. I have not heard of many people getting long-term relief from nerve blocks pre or post-op. They are usually given through the buttocks to the ischial spine/ligamental grip area, or through the buttocks to the alcock's canal. Does that answer your question about the position of the nerve blocks?


Re: redo

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:09 am
by hopeman

Can blocks prompt recovery after surgery?


Re: redo

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:18 pm
by Laramarie
Hi Hopeman
I answered your question about post op blocks in great detail in the other thread and you said that your doctor has given you blocks, knows the position to give them and is very experienced at giving nerve blocks. Are you asking if nerve blocks will help you recover quicker? It all depends if you are having "nerve regeneration"? The blocks will help with the painful sensations while the nerve is healing but you need to be assessed by your surgeon!

Re: redo

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:31 am
by hopeman
Laramarie wrote:Hi Hopeman
I answered your question about post op blocks in great detail in the other thread and you said that your doctor has given you blocks, knows the position to give them and is very experienced at giving nerve blocks. Are you asking if nerve blocks will help you recover quicker? It all depends if you are having "nerve regeneration"? The blocks will help with the painful sensations while the nerve is healing but you need to be assessed by your surgeon!

Are blocks harmful or helpful for nerve regernation?

Can blocks prompt nerve recovery?


Re: redo

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:57 pm
by Karyn
HI Hopeman,

The HOPE site is run by volunteers who are veterans of PN(E) and supported by patients who are at varying stages in their PN(E) journey. We're here as community to bring awareness about this particular medical condition through education, support and personal experience. You may find educational reference materials on the Home Page.
For other scientific articles and peer reviewed literature regarding the questions you're asking; an internet search may be more helpful with obtaining the answers you're looking for.

Laramarie has been kind enough to share her personal experience with you. Violet has also answered your questions to the best of her ability:
Violet M wrote:I had one unguided nerve block after surgery. Didn't really have much long-term relief. I have not heard of many people getting long-term relief from nerve blocks pre or post-op.
If you're looking for a short answer to your questions:
hopeman wrote:Are blocks harmful or helpful for nerve regernation?
The medications used in nerve blocks are not designed for "nerve regeneration". I suggest you speak with your doctor who has administered your injections.
hopeman wrote:Can blocks prompt nerve recovery?
It depends on the pathology of the nerve. Laramarie gave a good explanation about the medications BLOCKING pain sensations with some people. Everyone reacts differently.

Once again, there is an abundance of information on the site where you can collect data to discuss with your doctors and make your own decisions. Please do an Advanced Search (upper right hand corner) for Nerve Blocks.

Best wishes,