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Re: Left trapped / Right Pain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:58 am
by Newdad
Hi Redevil,

Not really tingling for me, it was more an intense dull pain in the scrotum which was brought on by sitting during the week days at work then weekends were great as I didn't sit and therefore no / very little pain.

If surgery is not an option at this stage and you are in Syd I found Sydney Spine and Pelvis Physio to be the best place I saw for this condition (initially Barbara the guru then Claire), they really know there stuff over there and helped my through this condition pre and post op. The other thing was daily yoga to manage the condition to keep everything relaxed and loose down there.

Thankfully I no longer need the above.


Re: Left trapped / Right Pain

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:25 am
by Newdad
Hi everyone.

3.5 years down the track and I am happy to say that I no longer suffer from PNE.

There had been some minor set back since the surgery but that was more so from leading a pretty sedentary life with sitting at work. The minor setbacks I would put down weakness in my core which in finding the right physio to strengthen it back up and being a bit more diligent in general by getting back into the gym and strengthening my whole body which has helped enormously.

I hope this post gives hope to those that feel that they cannot beat this. My issue was the pudendal nerve growing through the sacrospinus ligament and by releasing it through surgery and allowing time to heal has meant that I can resume my life prior to this taking effect.

My thanks to Prf Vancaille and his team!

Re: Left trapped / Right Pain

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:01 am
by Violet M
This is great news, Newdad! Thanks for posting an update.
