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Re: Awaiting a phone interview with Dr. Conway

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:21 pm
by tinker123
Thanks Jax87 -

I'm thinking Dr. kelly is probably the best man for the IFI and labral tear. I know I have to fax my paper work over to his office. I'm awaiting to meet with my currently ortho doc this week. If he feels my issue is to complex for him then I'm off to see Dr. Kelly.

Glad to hear your doing really well....


Re: Awaiting a phone interview with Dr. Conway

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:16 pm
by helen1000
Hello Tina,

Have you had MRA? Is it painful?

And Jax,

Do you think it is possible to fly to the other city from NY after operation?

I am afraid that if I need one I would have to do it in Detroit. But I doubt that it would be possible to transport me back.


Re: Awaiting a phone interview with Dr. Conway

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:30 pm
by tinker123
Hi Helen,

Yes, I've had one MRA in the thigh/hip area. It's not too bad. I think the worst part was the numbing injections that they give you first. It just felt wierd when the doc injected the contrast/dye into the leg. It wasn't painful at all, just an odd feeling. After, my hip felt full and the thigh felt heavy but that went away by the next day....

Good luck :) tina