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Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:58 am
by kathyd
HI Jen
Im sorry my post didn't go through.. I saw it in the log right after i typed and then it somehow disappeared. Not sure why.
I will pm you to answer all your questions tomorrow. No worries about the questions,...I understand how you are feeling.
I am planning on doing the implant, but don' t have all the details yet.
I will pm you tomorrow to answer all your questions. Hope you are doing ok.
Warm wishes and hugs to you,
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:16 pm
by LottaNerve
kathyd wrote:
That first method I described works as follows while in a hospital (or an out-patient hospital center) the doctor injects an IV into the intrathecal space (l kind of like an epidural given to moms in labor). The IV is attached to a catheter in which he/she can put one drug like Morphine, (one method) or depending on his protocol and your needs, he can add a cocktail of meds. The doc can mix as he pleases and adjusts the dosage until the patient feels relief.. This method for a sounds more pleasing as you can use drugs like marciane ( a numbing agent for instance) along with pain meds.. With it the patient could possibly get quick relief as he used a high level of marcaine .
This is what worked for "Lotta Nerve" though years of other treatments had failed. She and I have spoken and she has been supportive and informative. I know we are all different (how often have we heard that old song!!) but at the same time, her issues are sim
I am the patient Kathy is referring to.... I thought I would elaborate on my pain pump trial for those of you who are interested...
I was laid face down on a table and my lower back was cleaned and prepped. Under CT-guidance (where the dr was able to watch a screen with an x-ray image of my spine), a needle was carefully guided into the intrathecal space in my lower spine and a catheter was placed so that drugs could be delivered directly into the spinal fluid. A bag filled with the "magic mixture" of medications was connected and hung on a pole.
Bupivacaine (marcaine)
Clonidine (a blood pressure medication with pain-relieving properties)
Here is where I blogged about it: ... s-at-last/
Here is my doctor, Dr. Joshua Prager (UCLA). He has recorded several video talks on chronic pain and advances in treating it. (In fact, originally I went to him for ketamine infusions)
I do feel like Dr. Prager saved my life.
Hope this is helpful!
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:25 pm
by kathyd
Hi Tamar,
My friend "Lotta Nerve" told me about yu and I pray that you can find help and and relief soon
I did see Dr Chapman but moved on to another doctor. I can explain offline but he was not encouraging or helpful.
I was given Dr Datta's name somewhere along the way but never looked into him.
I can give you the name of my doc. It is still very early for me I am still struggling a bit so I would prefer to discuss my experience ,after some time goes by and I have time to improve and heal.
I will also will more meaningful info about my doc by then.
I will email you and give you his name. I had a hard time finding a local doc who implants pain pumps..
I was looking since February and finally found someone in May..
I will email you..Wishing you all the best!
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:51 am
by Henrypaul87
Kathy u can use Flexoplex its a joint pain relief product actually from last few days I was sufeering from thios problem and I have now recovered for more you can visit the website.
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:01 pm
by stephanies
LottaNerve and Kathy,
Can you use one doctor to implant the pain pump (say one with a good reputation like LottaNerve's who many not be near your home) and a different doctor to manage it and the refills when you get home?
Thank you,
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:14 pm
by LottaNerve
That is an excellent question. I have asked Dr. Prager this and he said to tell people to call his office. I guess there is no one answer as each situation is different. (But so far I don't know of anyone personally who has started with Dr. Prager and then gone home to follow up with a different pain doctor.)
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:07 am
by stephanies
Thank you LottaNerve. You have given me some really useful information these last few weeks.
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:29 am
by LottaNerve
I wish I could do more. I wish I knew of a top pain management doctor in your area ...
did you investigate the possibility of ketamine?
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:32 pm
by kathyd
Hi all
Been offline for awhile>
this reply is to Henripaul87 who mentioned a product called Flexoplex?
Do you have anal rectal pain/sitting pain.? Is your pain a nerve issue?
Did this product help u with this?
My issue is nerve/muscular in origin. made much worse by a nerve surgery in 2011 (not the de-compression surgery)
Sorry for questions ..Just wondered if your pain was similar to mine and others with long term PN issues.
Thx for any info!
Re: pain pump trial
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:56 pm
by kathyd
Hi Stephanies
Just getting back online after a while and saw your post
I totally agree with 'lotta nerves'comment
I asked the same question in the event that I need to see Dr. P
I will probably give him a call if necessary.
Due to severe pain now it's hard for me to fly in a plane for 5 hrs.
If Dr. P Advises out of town folks to come see him
I hope that he Would be willing to consult with our
doctors after he finds the appropriate meds
as we all come from different parts of the country/world
Good luck in finding what you need!