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Re: How important is an EMG?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 4:32 pm
by shana
I'm very sensitive to meds, I can't handle any pain meds for example. I've tried Valium in the past, did not react that great to it but maybe I'll try a tiny tiny dose now and this way I'll know how I'll react and then I can decide whether or not to take it before I have my EMG.

Thanks for the idea!

Re: How important is an EMG?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 4:50 pm
by Karyn
Hi Shana,
I understand what you mean about the med intolerance. I can't take them either. It's been very difficult getting this across to the medical community. I'm not in any way "against" pain meds. They simply don't provide pain relief for me and make me feel worse than I already do because of the side effects. Interestingly enough, though, valium is one of the very few things I can tolerate and is helpful.

Re: How important is an EMG?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 3:07 am
by shana
The last time I tried Valium was back in 2009 so I guess it's worth giving it another try and see how and if I can handle it

Re: How important is an EMG?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:42 pm
by Karyn
Just a suggestion, Shana ...
Try getting a script for 5 mg. and take it before you go to bed at night. It may even come in 2 mgs, but I'm really not sure. I normally don't take it during the day because it makes me too tired, but if I had a ride for imaging or an EMG, I would.

Re: How important is an EMG?

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 9:22 pm
by Violet M
Shana, the way I looked at it is that the EMG is not much worse than the pain I experienced a lot of the time anyway. Maybe it will help you to psych yourself up if you think of it that way. I guess by the time I had the EMG I was in too bad of shape to be humiliated. In France you just get undressed in front of the physician -- they don't have the dignified procedure here in the US where you undress and gown up before you see the doc. You just take your clothes off and have the procedure. :shock: It was over with so quickly it's nothing to get too worked up about. ( And mine took longer than usual because the numbers were so bad.) Good luck. ;)


Re: How important is an EMG?

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 3:20 am
by shana
I guess I'm not really surprised that in France they don't leave the room while you undress, honestly I used to think what's the point of leaving or even covering up when you're just going to de-gown in a minute when the dr walks back in but I guess there is some level of dignity there and I should appreciate it.

I'm not really concerned about being humiliated, I'm way, way past that. It's sad when I think about it but at this point I don't feel like any parts of my body are private anymore they've been seen by more (medical) people then I want to admit, but I guess that's part of life for people in the condition I'm in.

As I had said earlier, I tend to psyche myself up and work myself into a frenzy for no good reason, I'm going to try taking valium or ativan and I'm going to work with my therapist on how to stay relaxed and not work myself up before the procedure.
