Re: pain med effect?
Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:33 am
H iCalluna
Thx so much for all the thoughtful advice!. Thanks for taking the time. Ive been off the bran for 2 days>
I had seen a list of recommended foods to help manage opiate induced constipation on a website ... so thats what started me on the bran kick... It said that Phsylium seed and various other fibers were too bulky, but recommended bran! So off I went buying whole grain, fibery everything.. (usually I'm a white bread, white rice eater,so the bran kick was new for my system.
I just spoke to good friend who has dealt with lifelong constipation.. she too knew that bran was like "cement in your colon," and agreed with your advice
I am a frightened person after years of dealing with this pain, searchnig high and low for answers and meeting with lots of failure and unfortunatly some bad advice from some docs.
I am quite high-strung by nature.. which doesn't help.. I m married to a guy who is just the opposite,
and he has lost patience with everything after years of taking me to docs... and so that has made me quite upset.. not what my body needs
all not good for the bowel issue or the pain.
I am working with 2 new pain docs currently who have some plans and I am waiting to get moving on this..(things as we know always happen slowly in the medical system)
Meanwhile I coming slowly off the opiod med and the nerve is acting strange... which docs also think could be part of why Im feeling so backed up.
Meanwhile I have been off bran , taking tbls of olive oil (I dont' mind it) and taking my laxative. Miralax is very mild and works too slow, I take at least 2 dose (one each time I take pain meds) I sometimes add more with meals due to the back up..
I also tale Duclolax... and Milk of Magnesia, as the Dulcolax has not been working as fast lately. I usaually take 2 Dulcolax with each pain med dose (so about 4 a day) I take less if I just had a BM...sorry for details... so hard to know what is too much or too little!
Besides the olive ioil what other foods can get things moving? Due to my Painful bladder I avoid some juices and fruts (acidic) but if I have to clear things out. I'll risk a flare
If the blocked feeling continues I may go for an X-ray to take a look at things soon.
Thank again Calluna
Will keep you posted
Best regards
Thx so much for all the thoughtful advice!. Thanks for taking the time. Ive been off the bran for 2 days>
I had seen a list of recommended foods to help manage opiate induced constipation on a website ... so thats what started me on the bran kick... It said that Phsylium seed and various other fibers were too bulky, but recommended bran! So off I went buying whole grain, fibery everything.. (usually I'm a white bread, white rice eater,so the bran kick was new for my system.
I just spoke to good friend who has dealt with lifelong constipation.. she too knew that bran was like "cement in your colon," and agreed with your advice
I am a frightened person after years of dealing with this pain, searchnig high and low for answers and meeting with lots of failure and unfortunatly some bad advice from some docs.
I am quite high-strung by nature.. which doesn't help.. I m married to a guy who is just the opposite,
and he has lost patience with everything after years of taking me to docs... and so that has made me quite upset.. not what my body needs
all not good for the bowel issue or the pain.
I am working with 2 new pain docs currently who have some plans and I am waiting to get moving on this..(things as we know always happen slowly in the medical system)
Meanwhile I coming slowly off the opiod med and the nerve is acting strange... which docs also think could be part of why Im feeling so backed up.
Meanwhile I have been off bran , taking tbls of olive oil (I dont' mind it) and taking my laxative. Miralax is very mild and works too slow, I take at least 2 dose (one each time I take pain meds) I sometimes add more with meals due to the back up..
I also tale Duclolax... and Milk of Magnesia, as the Dulcolax has not been working as fast lately. I usaually take 2 Dulcolax with each pain med dose (so about 4 a day) I take less if I just had a BM...sorry for details... so hard to know what is too much or too little!
Besides the olive ioil what other foods can get things moving? Due to my Painful bladder I avoid some juices and fruts (acidic) but if I have to clear things out. I'll risk a flare
If the blocked feeling continues I may go for an X-ray to take a look at things soon.
Thank again Calluna
Will keep you posted
Best regards