OOOh Ellie

I am so sorry that this has happened to you! You poor thing, plus the sad news about your best friend, that must be devastating.
I wouldn't worry too much about the PT. It has to be done of course but in relation to telling them about PN maybe you can explain the problem and the sitting issues etc that you have. Then if they need any more info print out something from Hope? to give them a better idea.
For the explanation just say something like I have a trapped pudendal nerve(s) in my pelvis which causes neuropathic pain. It worsens when I sit. You could leave it at that and not go into all of the ins and outs. You never know there may already be something in your notes about PN for them
OR They may already know about it?? I'm putting odds against that however, but you never know.
I'm sure they will be able to give you an exercise regime that is tailored to your needs.
It's lovely that someone is coming in to clean.
We have had snow all weekend. It won't last as it is fairly mild today. It was Tilly's first day out after her injections, we went down to the beach, after having her micro chipped but it was a bit windy. She was more interested in the puppy treats in my pocket than the sand and sea (freezing cold North Sea, so I don't blame her) but at least she has had the introduction.
It will be wonderful when the weather changes. The beach is just a short drive away, about 4 miles so I just need to make sure she walks well on the lead and comes back when called (puppy treats again

) I let her off her lead on the beach, she was no trouble at all. . . . just kept feeding her

and she didn't stray too far. She did fall into a pool tho' and came home like a drowned rat.
How will you manage with your dogs?
Sorry all, should probably have put much of this in a PM but had started and wanted to send it asap.
Hugs back to you,
Helen x