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Re: went to pt
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:23 am
by Violet M
Hi Sunshine. That's a good sign that PT seemed to help a bit. Hopefully your future treatments will bring you even more relief. Is the PT doing some internal work?
Re: went to pt
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:52 pm
by sunshine028
just went the one time, Im not to sure if this is PN still there is not to much going on up there but a few trigger points, When this happens to me in time it gets better than goes away. Not sure what the problem could be. but i will stick with pt for a bit and see if i can get some improvement, then i want to try blocks. If blocks dont give some relief then i know its not pn/pne. Then on to find out what the hell it could be. Just feel like its a never ending cylce for me. im good for so long then shit just comes back to destroy my life. I just cant keep doing this my whole life. its so difficult not to know what your body is doing and why. Love the PT tho. so hope with a little work on my sijd and uneven pelvic i may get a little more relief. Nothing seems to stop that left side anal sphincter problem tho. I want God to say this is what you have and this is what you need to do about it. But after 17 years on and off of this i may never know that answer.