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Re: Another Member With a Labral Tear...

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:48 pm
by Faith
Oh and Jackie I was told I don't have dysplasia so I guess that's good. But when I asked her what caused the labral tear she said, "probably the way your hips are shaped/made". So I'm confused. If I don't have an FAI (which they say they can't know until the get in there" then the only thing I know that could have caused it is hypermobility and I wonder if that is not fixed (not sure that it can be) if it will not just continue to happen over and over again. Also not sure how much my SIJD is contributing to it all.

Re: Another Member With a Labral Tear...

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:16 pm
by Faith
Just wanted to post an update here as I don't think I ever updated that I actually have bilateral labral tears likely due to CAM impingement and I also have the ischiofemoral impingement. Next week I am meeting with the surgeon, but I'm not sure I will be pursuing surgical repair at this point as my pain seems to have a CNS component and I do fear the trauma of surgery might just make me worse. I am very debilitated with muscle atrophy and my PT worries I would not be able to handle the post-op hip rehab. Some days my hip pain is very bad, but then I can go a couple of weeks without much hip pain at all so it's hard to know if surgery would really help much of my overall pain. I'll keep you updated on what I decide.

Re: Another Member With a Labral Tear...

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:52 pm
by Lernica
Thanks for the update, Faith. Sending you lots of gentle hugs.

Re: Another Member With a Labral Tear...

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:38 pm
by Violet M
Faith, it seems you have a lot going on and you keep finding more pieces to the puzzle. I'm sorry nothing has worked for you so far but hopefully you will be able to narrow it down to something that will.

