Sitting after PNE Surgery- What were you advised?

Here we can discuss difficulties with comfort in sitting and normal living - cushions, bicycle seats, car seats, work stations etc.
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Re: Sitting after PNE Surgery- What were you advised?

Post by yoland »

If this helps. My Pt just started 2 weeks ago, My gal talked with many people, pts, Surgeons, ect , as she has had a number of PNE surgery Patients, At 3 months PT starts. Lots of myofascial release stuff, basically butt massages with scar tissue mobilization. For sitting, her patients start out 5 mins on each 2 hours in a recliner chair increasing daily as tolerated. Also in a warm water pool or hot tub, large bath tub. fold up a large towel, put in in the water under you, at the pool it will be on the lowest step. Sit on towel 5 mins, then walk slowly in water 5 mins , then sit .. alternate this for a half hour session twice weekly. Increased sitting and pool time as tolerated. I had a small flare of vulvodynia from the chlorine , so I am practicing in a friend's big jet tub. In two weeks I am finally sitting for up to 15-20 mins at a time in recliner and can drive 15-20 mins on my cushion. Prior to that sittingwas impossible. I had a different surgery. My PN was from Tarlov Cysts , so my sacrum was cut, sitting felt different after surgery, the pressure on my sit bones felt awful. Prior to surgery I couldn't sit because I couldn't stand pressure on the vulvar area. Thats fine now. Needless to say, she is treating me the way she does all her PNE surgery patients as my pre surgery issues were the same symptoms.
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A's Mommy
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Re: Sitting after PNE Surgery- What were you advised?

Post by A's Mommy »


Thanks for your detailed posts on PT.... CURIOUS... whos your PT?

Daughter grew completely on left side of pelvis
Multiple uterine surgeries to fix uterine adhesions, septum, and endo
Had all the conservative workups done, 3Tesla (Potter), recovering from L sided TG (Hibner) 11/10, Botox 6/11 failed, bilateral anterior PNE decompression (distal Alcock's/perineal branch), Aszmann, Vienna, 10/11; dx'd with CRPS Type 2, 12/11, Ketamine @ CCF 2/12, doing 75% better PRAISE JESUS!
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Re: Sitting after PNE Surgery- What were you advised?

Post by JeanieC »

Yoland, thank you for the detailed information on your PT program. I plan to start some water therapy in the new year and will try out your PT's guidelines for this. I do not currently have a PT and am a bit afraid of it as I did have various types of PT before my surgery and felt that it just made me worse. But the water therapy I can certainly try on my own so thanks for the encouragement.
Best wishes for your recovery,
Diagnosed with left side PN by Dr Renney, March 2010, after over 2 years of searching for help
Left TG Surgery, Dr Ansell, August 2010, failed to relieve pain
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Re: Sitting after PNE Surgery- What were you advised?

Post by yoland »


All along I have been seeing Jennifer Ortiz, of Her Health Physical THerapy, she works 3 days a week in her office at Columbia, MD and two days at AAMC in the rehab center at the hospital AAMC , in Annapolis, MD. There she sees Dr Briana Waltons ' urogyn patients. Of interest on Weds she came in an said yet another of her PN patients has been dxed with Tarlov Cysts. That makes 4 of us in her care, all dxed after they figured out my problem. It felt good to know the that all my ordeal was not for nothing. These 4 now have hope, and are in the surgery line with Dr F.

I have to say that ever week I feel better and better. I get discouraged because I want to be all better now! But the leaps I've made in the 3 months post TC surgery are truly a gift. So many things are better. The worst of the pain is gone. I read a post on this site wondering why people go for the surgery? And talking about success as being 100 % back to normal in all respects. We op for surgery because we are at the end of the road. It is the only hope for a better life! Naturally 100% healing, that is everyone's dream, and goal. But so much damage is done , physically and emotionally because of the pain, when nerves are compressed for any reason. Not to mention the emotional and financial toll it takes to get diagnosed! I think it is only realistic for these surgeries to take a long time to heal. In a perfect and fair world, we would all have the time to really heal before we had to worry about working and money matters. We would have all the resoarces ( PT, a good mental therapist,help around the house and with driving) regardless of our current financial situation. This is where countries with socialized medicine really shine.

I think a lot of the not great success stories are because the patient is forced to start doing things like work, long before their bodies are healed. Wishing you all a peaceful,stressfree holiday season. And best wishes for a year of true healing.
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