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Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:17 pm
by kathyd
Thanks for posting this Christi
My Potter MRi also showed mild hamstring tendinosis without tear...
My Pn symptoms started with bladder urge issues --originally thought to be IC... in 2006. That symptom continues today..
By 2009 sitting pain came on gradually in sit bones then in perineum on right ..hurt to sit and sometimes sitting on the right peri area reproduced the urge feeling.
Sitting pain increased by 2010 to point where it hurts too much too be able to drive.
Then after peripheral nerve re-section surgery last year, to address the sit pain...I have new pain along with the sit bones
I developed anal pain ...the worst ...and have been trying to get relief ever since...Pain occurs with standing and walking as well..
Was interested when I saw your post about the tendinosis and the nitro.. Pls let us know if you have tried the nitro med.
I hope it helps you! I may tell my doc about this. Good luck and thx
Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:03 am
by christi
Oh, so sorry to hear the surgery made things worse! My symptoms actually started with cramping in my right foot and then moved up the leg and into the pelvis. I too have pain in the right perineum and under the right butt cheek. The pain was so awful about two years ago that I was almost suicidal. Gradually, with lifestyle modification (i.e. not sitting) it's gotten so much better. Very low dose amitryptiline (10 mg) helped a lot too.
Somehow I've built a lifestyle around not sitting. Not being able to drive much of a distance or sit on a plane is the most frustrating aspect of this.
Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:57 pm
by paulette
Since having pudendal and sciatic nerve decompression surgery, I have continued to have severe pain, including pain lateral to the perineum, in close proximity to the inner thigh. I convinced my PCP to let me try the Nitro patches. It's true about the headaches, but after three days, I no longer had the headaches. And much to my delight, that little patch pretty much controls the pain in the pathway of the pudendal nerve. I am also noticing my gluteal muscles are more relaxed. I don't know if that means I have adductor tendinosis or just that a smaller entrapped nerve, like the perineal branch of the PFCN is getting better blood flow. I just thought someone might find this interesting or even helpful. I am very grateful to Christi for initiating this post. Anything that alleviates this maddening pain is a godsend.
Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:02 pm
by christi
Thanks, Paulette. I actually never got around to trying nitro patches, as I was better for several months. Now, with a return of the pain--and hearing of your success!--I might try the patch...
Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:08 pm
by helenlegs 11
Immensely pleased to hear that you have some benefit from the patches Paulette.
I'm pretty sure I have the perineal branch of the PCFN entrapped as when ever my clitoris is pressed (can't say touched as it takes a bit more than that, but not much) I get a pain shooting along the top back of my thigh following that nerves path. It is really bonkers. I will tell u the rest in a pm, as I sound bonkers too now.
Here is where my pain shoots. ... ray832.png Are you similar? Post.fem cutaneous Perineal branch, on pic
H x
Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:01 pm
by paulette
Sometimes my pain follows that route but it seems to be like a knife at base labia lateral to perineum. I have also started having severe pain laterally where buttock meets thigh. Maybe sciatic entrapped in hamstrung tendon??
Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:29 am
by kathyd
Happend to recheck this post about the nitro pathces and mild hamstring tendinosiis.
My pain area is near the perineum (anal opening) mostly and sometimes the right peri area. Its brutal ..
Thx Paulettle for posting about the nitro helping you...
Has anyone else tried it?
I never mentioned it to my doc... but seeing as how the med I use is not helping at the levels I am at,
I've been wanting to find out about something new..
Any news about this patch?
Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:32 pm
by christi
I never got around to the nitro patch, but a PT gave me some exercises to rebuild the hamstring/adductor, and I believe they have helped a lot. It's important that any exercise to rebuild a tendon be "eccentric", not "concentric" (see sports medicine). In other words, you engage in only one direction (the eccentric one), and relax to return to start. He has me lie on my back on a bed. I push my right leg straight out to the right, while my husband presses lightly against my movement, to provide resistence. When the leg has gone as far as it comfortably can, it's very important that you relax it entirely. My husband places it back on the bed next to the other one. Repeat up to 20 times. I do another exercise as well. Let me know if you'd like me to describe it, or clarify this one.
Re: Hamstring/Adductor Tendinosis and PN
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:56 pm
by kathyd
Hi Christ
Thanks for the description. Are your legs lying flat (straight out in front of you) and then do you just move it as far to the right as possible? (Stretching like a "V" shape) while your hubby pushes against it resistance?
Its hard to know whats safe to do as we are all so different in our root issues.. I know My Pt wants me to continue stretching.. but there are so many conflicting opinions on stretching.
In my case at this point, I don't know that I even have true PN/PNE , but still searching for root cause
My MRI also showed veinous congestion in the areas that hurt ... so Im leaning back toward doing additional treatment of the veins...(as I can feel something in there,)
Anyway, I also showed the mild tendinosis on my last mri, so its hard to know which thing is the culprit!
My most recent group of PT sessions was done with a knowledge able and kind PT....She felt that stretching was safe for me...
But I stopped PT after while to take a break as I wasn't improving and the long trip to NYC in the car.. was tough logistically and expensive..
Thanks again for your response
If anyone tried the nitro patch pls post
Would love to try it if it helps