Another new member in agony

Treatment options for UK & Irish members; including VHI & HSE criteria for funding and E112 Applications etc.
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Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:19 pm

Re: Another new member in agony

Post by Poppy »

Thank you Amanda; this actually was acute pain; sudden all down my leg with total lack of feeling so I did at least expect him to examine my back and maybe x ray to see if it was a disc problem. It was something I have never experienced before. When i lost feeling in my arms last year I was sent for an MRI but that was by my GP. It showed two herniated discs. I can't get an appointment with my GP Until next Monday. I rang for one today at 8 am and they didn't ring me back until 6.45 pm after surgery closed. I'm seeing him next week and asking for a complete review of medication and what's going on, an MRI or at least x ray on my spine and referral to a spine specialist.
1985 diagnosed fibro; 1990 hysterectomy with bladder suspension;2000 T12 (Maigne ) syndrome; urticaria and angioedema; sjogrens syndrome; adhesions; pelvic pain; two herniated discs in neck.
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