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Re: Hypograstric nerve block

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:42 am
by Charlie
missyrg wrote:I am scheduled for this block on Tuesday but I worried it will not work. It used on patients with cancer of the pelvic. I have been suffering for 2 going on three years of pelvic pain and burning in my right buttocks. I have not been diagnosed with PNE becuase the dr where I live do not treat it but gyno said from exam that is where the pain is coming from. Has anyone had this block before?
Firstly good luck with the block tomorrow. I hope it can help you.

What I would say is don't be too downhearted if it does not get rid of your pain. As Hermajesty has said nerve blocks are usually just a diagnostic procedure, its very unlikely they will cure pain permanently. In fact a nerve block will usually only last a few hours if that.

Personally I don't think a hypogastric nerve block will relieve burning pain in the buttocks. Hopefully it will do. I guess what I am saying is don't walk out of there too downhearted if it does not relieve the burning pain in the buttock. You still have plenty of options left to try.

Re: Hypograstric nerve block

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:30 pm
by missyrg
The procedure was rough with relaxing medication. They had to try three different places before they found the best place to inject. My lowerr back hurts and I do not feel any relief. I am in more pain before I went. On to the next treatment. Missyrg

Re: Hypograstric nerve block

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:51 pm
by Charlie

Please don't feel to disheartened that your hypogastic nerve block did not work for you. I myself was recommended to have a hyposgastric nerve blcok by a physical therapist. When I went to a doctor to perform it for me they told me they could do it if I insisted but they did not think it would work for me. I decided to not have it done. Maybe I should have mentioned that in my first post to you but I did not want to be a merchant of doom about it and I hoped it would work for you.

Personally I think it was the wrong procedure for you. If you have burning pain in your buttock I don't see why a hypogastric nerve block is going to affect it. Maybe look into nerve blocks for the obdurater internus nerve ( thats usually more inside thigh pain though) or the posterior femoral nerve. You could try a muscle relaxant into your perirformis muscle also to see if that brings some relief.

Re: Hypograstric nerve block

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:57 pm
by missyrg
Thanks for the encouragement. Today I am in major pain and out of meds. I have a script but it can't be filled until the second. My dr said he called the pharm and told them to fill it but I have not been back. I called them and left a message to see if I could get some for the weekend. By the way my pm dr has called me three times becuase he stuck me three times and he is worried. He should be but I will be okay as soon as the pain calms down. Missyrg
Called the pharm and they are going to fill my script for Nucynta. My pm dr called them and authorised them to fill it. Thank God!

Re: Hypograstric nerve block

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:29 am
by paininmybutt
I had an iliolingual nerve block that negated my bowel pain entirely. I suppose it may have been close enough to the iliohypogastric to do something. Just one more thing to follow up on.