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Re: New and scared
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:03 pm
by birdlife
BB, this is strange - I posted a quick reply last night but its not here in the thread today . Anyhow, I'd asked if you'd managed to get the x-ray sorted and maybe you could get your hip problem looked at while you're waiting for Dr. DeMello, so that he has the full facts before him when you get to Wythenshawe. Very glad you have a supportive mum, and partner too, heaven sent especially with chronic pain that you're battling to get diagnosed. Mother's Day soon, start thinking .
Hey little mo! Good to see you posting again, though sorry for some of the reasons on your other thread . I have PM'd you (do you think you could open it this time ) re your upcoming blocks... speak to you soon, take care, and BB too.
Re: New and scared
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:12 pm
by Lernica
While you're waiting for an MRI of your hip, here's some advice. If the radiologist cannot detect a labral hip tear in your x-ray, take the X-ray to a hip surgeon. My hip surgeon could see the labral tear on my x-ray while the radiologist could not. Good luck.
Re: New and scared
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:07 pm
by little mo
Sorry BB I know you won't mind me hijacking your post, hope you ok ........birdlife ...right I'm not sure if you are getting my replies/pm's it's probably my fault if not we will have to call in the fbi or is it mfi anyway we can work something out if we call in Sue. thanks for info very interesting. Thanks BB I couldn't think of any other way if I can't reach a pm love from me xx
Re: New and scared
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:01 am
by mary jane
quote: " it must be difficult for gps, they are overloaded with patients, only have six mins per person and if nothing shows on x ray"
SERIOUSLY? they get pain for doing nothing. All they do is click for paracetamol prescriptions and say "good luck" I have been in pain for 4 months, not once did they say "oh we should test you for this". They are bloody stupid as well, I have to do my own research on the vulval nerves, I also had to ask for nerve pain med myself as no one was suggesting that kind of therapy! They are idiots! My first GP actually recognised my pain was from the nerves and gave me COCODAMOL! Bloody codeine ! for NEUROPATHIC PAIN ? really???????
Re: New and scared
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:36 am
by Rosemary
Mary Jane
I found with my GP that a certain route was being followed.Firstly Cocodamol was prescribed, timodine cream, suggestion of vaseline as a urine barrier. The next step was a referral to a gynaecologist who prescribed Amitriptyline, Eumovate cream and vagifem (hrt). The next step would possibly have been to see a vulva specialist but after just over a year on amitriptyline and things getting gradually worse i side stepped the gp and went to see the pain specialist in bristol - Dr Greenslade - this was privately so i paid for the appointment. He prescribed gabapentin along with the amitriptyline and wrote to my gp suggesting that i should be referred to the pain clinic local to me - this then happened.
I did have to go to my gp to get a referral to see Dr Greenslade - I went with print outs of information from this website and information about Dr G so that i could hardly be refused a referral. My gp did say that it was good that i was being proactive but i do wonder if i hadn't been paying for the appointment if i would have been referred - as it is out of my district.
I am an older age and have been brought up to respect a doctor, to do as they say and get better. This is a first for me where i haven't got better quickly and because of more visits to the gp i realise now how much they are businesses with budgets like any other - the answers may be elsewhere but you may have to find them through some action yourself and possibly pay at some point .My pain clinic and pyschologist appointments have all been NHS - pelvic physiotherapy and some acupuncture i have paid for.
Keep being proactive Mary Jane - most patients nowadays are better informed because of the internet.No mention was made to me of an acupuncturist at the pain clinic i go to - i found her on the internet and that way found out that she was also doing sessions at the clinic - i started with her privately then had 6 sessions via the Nhs at the clinic.