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Re: Torqued Pelvis

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:03 am
by Faith

You had the 3T MRI with Potter, right? Then she should have been able to see if there was a labral hip tear or not. My 1.5T MRI from Kalinkin says no labral hip tears. If it doesn't say you should contact her and have her double check it. We have a lot of similarities of pain though so I bet your pain is mostly coming from your pelvic misalignment.

Re: Torqued Pelvis

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:23 pm
by Karyn
Good suggestion, Faith. Thank you! My experience with getting Dr. Potter to re-read my MRI hasn't been as positive as others. I don't know if it's because I was one of the first to see her, but I did contact her before my surgery because I had some non-PN related questions. She basically told me something like,
"at the end of the day, it's the patients symptoms that matter, not the imaging" and I should take my questions up with a treating physician.
Faith wrote:We have a lot of similarities of pain though so I bet your pain is mostly coming from your pelvic misalignment.
Lernica, did your labral tear show up on a 1.5 Tesla, or did you have a (non-Potter) 3T?

Re: Torqued Pelvis

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:52 pm
by Lernica
Karyn wrote:
Lernica, did your labral tear show up on a 1.5 Tesla, or did you have a (non-Potter) 3T?
I had just a normal MRI, not a 3T. BTW, an experienced hip surgeon can pick up a labral hip tear even on a normal x-ray image. The hip surgeon I've been seeing ordered an x-ray and showed me the tear on the image, even though it was not noted in the radiology report!

Re: Torqued Pelvis

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:30 am
by deBBieW
Hi Karyn,
Yes, I was told by my first regular PT I had sacral torsion, but she was my first treatment, then I had more tingling in my left leg, was sent to a neurologist, oh maybe a back problem, no it's not, then saw a chiro - 13 visits, and that's when my vaginal pain started. So I'm leary of chiro treatments for PN, but who knows maybe the pain would have started any ways. My current pelvic floor PT said I have mild SIJD, and yes, some sacral torsion, she does manual adjustments.
Sounds like I'm in the same club!


Re: Torqued Pelvis

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:52 pm
by Karyn
Lernica wrote:The hip surgeon I've been seeing ordered an x-ray and showed me the tear on the image, even though it was not noted in the radiology report!
Well, that's a problem. It really does matter who's reading your images. I hear of this kind of thing all the time. I was recently "dismissed" by a Hip Ortho, saying my problem "isn't coming from my hips". That may be true, but (whatever) is most certainly impacting my hips in a very negative manner. This person never heard of SIJD, PS and wasn't the least bit interested in discussing how the sacrum and respective ligaments/tendons work with the hips. Further, this person informed me that the sacrum had nothing to do with the hips and that it was a "spinal problem".
deBBieW wrote:I'm leary of chiro treatments for PN
I understand your concern, Deb. However, as we previously discussed, I really don't believe all medical professionals are created equal. Some have more knowledge and/or skills than others. I stopped seeing my previous Chiro and started with this new one because he has more to offer on many different levels.
As far as PT & Chiro are concerned in regards to PN(E), it really depends on what your issue is - PN or PNE. Unless you undergo what Lernica just did, all the "conventional" PT and Chiro in the world aren't going to be helpful, if you have a true entrapment. Are you benefitting from the manual adjustments?

Re: Torqued Pelvis

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:06 pm
by deBBieW
Hi Karyn,
I would say the manual adjustments are to keep the SI sort of in place, this was never the major problem for me, but it is all connected. My PT checks my SI whenever I'm there, and some days I'm more "in place" than others. I don't have SI pain on a regular basis. I think what has helped me the most to date are the 2 recent nerve blocks, my vag pain is reduced a lot, still have other pain, but that is better. And I agree not all chiros or PT's or docs are the same, and I didn't go into the chiro saying I think I have PN, at that time I thought it was a back problem, pinched nerve issue. After taking xrays, of course he could find things wrong with my spine etc., even though my MRI was pretty much unremarkable. He gave me great advice for core strengthening, which I need, but knowing what I know now, it was not a good idea. He couldn't treat me further, and referred me to a pain med specialist for a facet injection, which was not needed, and I didn't do. We have all gotten incorrect treatments. That's just my experience, and hopefully yours will be completely different, and will help. I just wanted to tell you mainly that I too have sacral torsion, per my PT's, not the chiro. And of course, I don't really know if I have PN or a PNE, yet...... waiting for Potter's appointment in April. I can't wait to go.

take care, Debbie