
Welcome to HOPE. We have tried to provide a place for newcomers to make their introductions. We will try our best to make you welcome and guide you through our website and Forum and assist you as best as we can through any questions you have regarding Pudendal Neuralgia.
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Re: Newbie

Post by Alli »

Davemom-I tried looking up dr kuthoria at Johns Hopkins and no results came back in google. Do you have their contact information?

Re: Newbie

Post by Lara »

Alli wrote:Sure! He basically pushed along the course of the nerve internally. He also did the Qtip test and took a culture to make sure there was no infection. He told me I do not have PNE and that my symptoms should improve in 6 months time. My symptoms have definitelty improved however they are not completely gone and are still VERY noticeable. I have stopped making MD appts at this time, but plan on revisiting this after my baby is born if my symtoms are not better by then!

Davemom-Thanks! I will look into this doctor. Was he/she recommended to you by somebody?

Was the examination vaginally or rectally? :oops:
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Re: Newbie

Post by Alli »

It was done vaginally

Re: Newbie

Post by Lara »

Alli wrote:It was done vaginally

Aja? hmm when i have a examination done vaginally or rectally i dont feel pain...but i do feel pain hours later in rectum mostly. ughh so confusing all of this.
Thank you Allie.
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Re: Newbie

Post by Alli »

Hi everyone! Just an update- so far I am 25 weeks pregnant and have had no pain!! I am so thankful for that and hope it continues! I do remain with the tingling/buzzing. Some days I feel like I am getting better and some days I feel no improvement at all. One thing I have noticed is I am feeling a pin pricking sensation in genitals when I walk. Does anyone else feel this way? When people say it hurts to walk, is this what they feel??
The tingling/buzzing can be felt down my legs to my feet at times. I do sometimes feel shocks but this just started happening maybe a month ago. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing!

Right now I am scheduled for a c section in August but am not 100% sure I am going to go this route. I keep thinking what if the pelvic tingling/buzzing gets better after a vaginal delivery! Wouldn't that be wonderful!

Well I just wanted to give a quick update! Wishing you all well!

Thanks :)
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Violet M
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Re: Newbie

Post by Violet M »

Alli, I'm glad to hear your pregnancy is going OK so far. Do you know yet if you are having a boy or girl -- or do you want to know ahead of time? If I were you, I'm not sure I would be brave enough to try a vaginal delivery given your previous history but whatever you decide I wish you all the best. ;)

I used to have burning perineal pain when I walked -- not so much pin-pricking.


PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:15 pm

Re: Newbie

Post by Alli »

Thanks Violet! I am having a boy!! We are so excited!

Anyway, I was doing some research on pelvic nerves. Anyone ever heard of the pelvic splanchnic nerves? Could these cause neuralgia??
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