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Re: New PNer

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:23 am
by pn_person
LiveStandingUp wrote:Thanks, Doreen. It's worst at night -- that's when I lose sensation in the genitals. I can't stay asleep or get comfortable right now and I'm sure the anxiety is playing a big part, too. What's also frustrating is how long its taking to get the additional tests like "Sayer(?)" and EMG (not until the 30th). I can't imagine going three more weeks without sleeping. I have reached out to a practice in Bergen, NJ with a PTA named on this site and hope to get a visit there very soon. Thanks for reaching out - your input is so helpful! -Matt

please send me PM if you like..seems like we have a similar situation with numbness as opposed to pain, which most participants here are dealing with

would like to compare symptoms. tests. treatments, etc..perhaps we can help each other
