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Re: suicidal

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:18 am
by Alan
You would have to ask your radiologist....You 'are' a strong person to come this far. Can the doctor prescribe you stronger med's if needed for pain. I too, am dealing with this and have had good & bad days. But, don't give up because you don't know what changes can be brought about from the right doctor. I am also doing pelvic stretching for the pudendal nerve area. I was amazed at how effective it was. I am not cured, but feeling better. The author Dr. Wise who wrote Headache in the Pelvis, experienced pain for 22 years. His technique is helping a lot of men and women tremendously. This may help you, but as everyone has mentioned, there is a lot of help out there. If one thing doesn't work-try another. This thing sucks, but don't give up. We're with you.

Re: suicidal

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:18 am
by Alan
You would have to ask your radiologist....You 'are' a strong person to come this far. Can the doctor prescribe you stronger med's if needed for pain. I too, am dealing with this and have had good & bad days. But, don't give up because you don't know what changes can be brought about from the right doctor. I am also doing pelvic stretching for the pudendal nerve area. I was amazed at how effective it was. I am not cured, but feeling better. The author Dr. Wise who wrote Headache in the Pelvis, experienced pain for 22 years. His technique is helping a lot of men and women tremendously. This may help you, but as everyone has mentioned, there is a lot of help out there. If one thing doesn't work-try another. This thing sucks, but don't give up. We're with you.

Re: suicidal

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:18 am
by Alan
You would have to ask your radiologist....You 'are' a strong person to come this far. Can the doctor prescribe you stronger med's if needed for pain. I too, am dealing with this and have had good & bad days. But, don't give up because you don't know what changes can be brought about from the right doctor. I am also doing pelvic stretching for the pudendal nerve area. I was amazed at how effective it was. I am not cured, but feeling better. The author Dr. Wise who wrote Headache in the Pelvis, experienced pain for 22 years. His technique is helping a lot of men and women tremendously. This may help you, but as everyone has mentioned, there is a lot of help out there. If one thing doesn't work-try another. This thing sucks, but don't give up. We're with you.

Re: suicidal

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:36 am
by Bobby
Alan wrote:You would have to ask your radiologist....You 'are' a strong person to come this far. Can the doctor prescribe you stronger med's if needed for pain. I too, am dealing with this and have had good & bad days. But, don't give up because you don't know what changes can be brought about from the right doctor. I am also doing pelvic stretching for the pudendal nerve area. I was amazed at how effective it was. I am not cured, but feeling better. The author Dr. Wise who wrote Headache in the Pelvis, experienced pain for 22 years. His technique is helping a lot of men and women tremendously. This may help you, but as everyone has mentioned, there is a lot of help out there. If one thing doesn't work-try another. This thing sucks, but don't give up. We're with you.
I too have been using the protocol described in this book and have been feeling a lot of improvement. Like Alan said, if one thing doesn't work, try another. Never give up.

Re: suicidal

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:58 am
by donstore
You need a pain management doc to help you get some distance between you and this pain that is driving you to consider such desperate measures. Don't give up. There is always something else to try but you need someone who specializes in pain reduction.


Re: suicidal

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:52 pm
by JAT
I understand and feel your pain - in all forms. On a daily basis I wonder, "why bother?" I'm barely functioning. I'm exhausted from being "on", i.e., pretending that all is well as I've lost family (what few I had left) and friends because not only do they not understand, they just don't want to hear about what I endure on a daily basis. I have no where to go. I've racked up thousands upon thousands of dollars of medical bills, my insurance premiums (we're self-employed) skyrocketed, I feel like no one is truly listening and I'm going to be like this forever... Again, I understand. With that being said however, I'm praying that you don't end your life. It is a selfish act. I've discussed this with my husband of 37 years... I don't know where I would be today without him; I would have ended it all years ago.

Re: suicidal

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:19 pm
by acw

I believe you said you are scheduled for your MRI today. I hope that it is tolerable for you, and that it is able to give you some valuable information. It is good that you are at least focused on pursuing testing and treatment for your pain. It is a sign that you have the strength to get through this, and are still thinking rationally. Sometimes the pain can cloud our rational minds.

I know that suicide can sometimes seem like the only solution to ending pain, both physical and emotional. IT'S NOT! As I heard it put once, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

As you can see from the responses, there are a lot of people here who care about you. And I can imagine that there are many other people in your life who feel the same way. Be aware of them, and know they are there to support you. I think Emily posted this already, but again, in case you ever need it...National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255. There are many online resources, too. ... ut-suicide

And I do think that suicide is a selfish act (although many of those who attempt/complete suicide may not see it that way). If you ever have thoughts that "the world/my family/etc would be better off without me", just attend a support group for suicide survivors left behind. It's a very eye-opening glimpse into the devastation left behind for family and friends. I know--I've been through it.

Take care,

Re: suicidal

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:15 am
by Violet M
Christopher, how did the MRI go?

I wonder if Jerry Hesch could help you with your pelvic instability issues. There may be someone trained in your area of the country who knows his method. You could check out and they might be able to refer you to someone. I believe there have to be some answers for you -- it's just a matter of finding the right treatment.

Re: suicidal

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:46 pm
by Ray P.
Get some kind of pain medication. Don't kill yourself.

Re: suicidal

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:44 pm
by Anne
please don't kill yourself and please let us know how you are doing!
Warm regards,