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Re: What's Everybody's Thoughts about Laparoscopic PNE Surge
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:52 pm
by Anne
my surgery with Prof. Possover was sucessful, but I still have lots of pain. I know now, that all my sacral nerves S1-S5 are compressed by scar tissue in the epidural space. I know this now because I had a spine surgery and the doctors told me that it is not possible to decompress the nerves epidural because it was not possible to distinguish between nerves and scar tissue there.
Re: What's Everybody's Thoughts about Laparoscopic PNE Surge
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:28 pm
by shawnmellis
Thanks for everybody's responses so far. Thanks for the Possover publication Violet. I would love to know if Dr. Hal Martin or Dr. Tibet in Turkey 1. Can decompress the Perineal Branches and Dorsal Branches or if they plan to in the future? 2. If they do their Laparoscopic incision point and approach in the same areas as others who do it Laparoscopically? It may be possible to see more of the nerve and its branches with non-Laparoscopic surgery, but I wonder if it does or does not cause more scar tissue with either way? Questions, I'm not sure if anybody can answer, but thought I would just throw them out there. By the way, Elisabeth Oas said she was just named the National Patient Advocate for the International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS) She said she was so incredibly honored to be working with a very special committee that will be putting together a new section on the website called "The Patient's Corner" She also has a free Internet Talk Show with leading PNE and Pelvic Specialsits such as Dr. Hibner. She said she is working on getting a talk show with Dr. Tibet from Turkey on her show. I will let you all know if she is able to get him on her show. Her talk show is at She has suffered from chronic pelvic pain for years now, and prior to getting pelvic pain was an actress. I know she will be an extremely helpful advocate for everyone with PNE/PN and others with Pelvic Pain.
Re: Dr. Tibet's & Dr. Hal Martins Laparoscopic PNE Surgery I
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:01 pm
by shawnmellis
I've added a bunch more information straight from Dr. Tibet regarding his Laparosopic PNE surgery. I've added questions asked by patients with PNE to him recently at the bottom of my origina post. Please read the questions and answers there and let me know what you think.
Re: Dr. Tibet's & Dr. Hal Martins Laparoscopic PNE Surgery I
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:59 am
by Faith
I would like to know more info about Dr. Tibet's experience with sacral nerve root compression. He mentioned this several times in his responses, but this is not something I have ever been able to find much literature on. He mentioned compression of S2-4. Does he have any literature on this? Or could he explain how people's symptoms differ when they have sacral nerve root compression vs. PNE?
Re: Dr. Tibet's & Dr. Hal Martins Laparoscopic PNE Surgery I
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:28 am
by paulette
At this point, Dr. Martin does not do the dorsal nerve root decompression. Where is this Dr. Possover located?
Re: Dr. Tibet's & Dr. Hal Martins Laparoscopic PNE Surgery I
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:23 pm
by nyt
Dr. Possover is in Switzerland.
Re: Dr. Tibet's & Dr. Hal Martins Laparoscopic PNE Surgery I
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:37 pm
by nyt
Dr. Howard in Rochester, NY does a laparoscopic pudendal decompression surgery but he can't visualize the whole nerve and has limited access by his approach. Not sure how many he has done over the last couple of years but I know a couple of his patients were cured.
Re: Dr. Tibet's & Dr. Hal Martins Laparoscopic PNE Surgery I
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:45 am
by shawnmellis
Everybody can view Dr. Tibet's PNE Laparascopic surgeries at
Re: Dr. Tibet's & Dr. Hal Martins Laparoscopic PNE Surgery I
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:40 pm
by Faith
Did you ever ask him about sacral nerve root compression? See my post/question above. Thanks.
Re: What's Everybody's Thoughts about Laparoscopic PNE Surge
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:19 pm
by MichaelaZ
Anne wrote:Hi,
I had my decompression surgery with Prof. Possover by laparoscopic approach, and he is able to check the pudendal nerve from the sacral plexus to the ligaments and to the alcock's canal. He told me, that it is difficult to decompress the alcock's canal by the laparoscopic approach, but not impossible. Just wondering that Dr. Filler is not able to look at the pudendal nerve from the spine to the alcock's canal in one surgery. How about the other surgeons who are performing the laparoscopic approach?
When was your surgery? Did it help you? Could you please give some more details?
Thank you!!