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Re: What is SIJD and how do I know if I have it?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:23 pm
by birdlife
HerMajesty wrote:Ok Birdlife, let's put it this way...she tortured me and beat me up good, and got away with it by calling it trigger point massage
You must have suffered dreadfully, tis the price of your sins for not having the real McCoy!! :lol:

What on earth is Bindegewebsmassage! I don't think I even want to look that one up! Agree about the pt, if it causes any kind of flare don't do it, but generally speaking during TP massage expect pain (lots) while its being done and relief and freedom of movement afterwards.
I've only ever had one session that I'd rather forget, and that was someone else bulldozing my psoas muscle - y'know the back muscle you can only get to from the front (unless they cut you up that is!) and jeez, I felt so ill for weeks afterwards I knew I should've said stop. Actually, come to think of it, I did say it. Several times! It didnt need doing anyhow! But apart from that time, massage by the right person or self-massage is an absolute boon.

Re: What is SIJD and how do I know if I have it?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:39 am
by sam
I developed SIJD after pudendal pain, does the pudendal entrapment surgery cure the symptoms of SIJD or having the treatment of SIJD cure pudendal pain, can pelvic misalignment be caused by a pelvic prolapse? sorry if my questions are a bit dumb ,I don't seem to understand which is the right treatment for my symptoms.

Re: What is SIJD and how do I know if I have it?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:40 pm
by helenlegs 11
Sam your questions are by no means dumb. . . I have no idea if a pelvic prolapse can cause pelvic misalignment, an uneducated guess would be no, but I am more than happy to be corrected on that.
As to the SIJD/ pudendal, chicken and egg scenario, we have had may conversations on here about exactly that. I think the jury is still out. . . . although if SIJD issues can be addressed by physio, obviously that is an excellent result :) and would be the first thing to consider. Any pudendal pain may recover with more physio once the SIJD has been tackled.
Take care

Re: What is SIJD and how do I know if I have it?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:28 pm
by sam
Thank you so much Helen for your reply. i had been to a chiropractor for my back but that gave me only temporary relief, may be I will try physiotherapy to see if it will make it a little better. I also read the posts on SI laxity now, I think I have multiple entrapments or damages on the nerve because I feel the sensation of strings pulling in my lower abdomen as well.